2025 programme of events
25th January New Year’s lunch Acle Bridge Inn 1230 for 1300
22nd February Winter Wander 3.5 mile walk around Winterton-on-Sea
22nd March Fitting out lunch Hoveton Village Hall
2nd April Committee meeting By Zoom
12th April Spring Walk TBC
April - September Cruising in Company Various
26th April East Coast Cruise TBC
Planning Meeting
10th May Spring Trophy Anchorage
12-16th May Northern Rivers Cruise Anchorage
14th May Committee Meeting In person
31st May-1st June Inaugural Salver Anchorage
14th/15th June Summer Regatta/Novice Anchorage
28th June-12th July East Coast Cruise East Coast
19th July Commodore's Cup & BBQ Anchorage
20th July Green Ranger Trophy Anchorage
2nd August Oby Thistle Anchorage
3rd August Emblem Trophy Anchorage
6th August Committee Meeting Zoom
9t-16th August Southern Rivers Cruise Southern Rivers
10th September Committee Meeting Zoom
27th - 28th August Founders Cup NBYC Wroxham
13th September Globe Trophy Yarmouth to Acle
14th September Harvest Bowl Bure & Thurne to Anchorage
4th October Club Championship Anchorage
5th November Committee Meeting Zoom
8th November Annual dinner, AGM The Old Rectory, Crostwick
and prizegiving