Dear NRSC Members
Christmas is rapidly approaching, so why not get into the festive spirit by joining our Christmas Cracker party on Tuesday, December 10, at BridgeStones Cafe in Potter Heigham? To book your tickets, just sign up here.
This is a joint Christmas party with the Broads Society, of which we are a corporate member. We'll be handling the quiz and some of the entertainment while our friends in the Society are sorting out the bookings and the arrangements with the cafe. It's working well!
The running order for the evening is as follows:
17:45 hrs - Doors and licensed bar open. (It's not BYO I'm afraid, but there’s a pub next door!).
1800 hrs - A lovely hot buffet supper is served with various choices of food, including vegetarian.
1900 hrs - Christmas Quiz (teams of six maximum, sort out teams on the night)
2000 hrs - Acoustic set by a local band
2100 hrs - Quiz results
2110-2130 hrs - Talent spot. If you would like to take part in this, please contact James Stewart ( with details of your act and timing.
The event will close at 21:30, but anyone interested can then wander over to the pub next door! Weare looking forward to seeing as many of you as possible there for this pre-Christmas get-together.
If you have any problems at all, please call the Commodore on 07941 248100 orJim Stewart, who is organising the quiz and talent spot, on 07964 073903.
All the very best
Mark Collins
See details above, but normally please contact the organiser for registration and further information. Their details are in the Red Book
10 December Christmas Cracker Social BridgeStones Cafe Jim Stewart
Potter Heigham
AGM Highlights 2024
The AGM was held as usual at the Old Rectory Hotel in Crostwick, but for the first time it was a morning event followed by lunch and prizegiving. Full draft AGM minutes will be circulated in due course as usual. More than 30 members attended. The AGM noted comprehensive reports from the Commodore, Committee members and the President, adopted the accounts and elected the following to the Committee:
Commodore Mark Collins
Vice Commodore Martin Salisbury
Past Commodore Michael Sparrow
Secretary Monica Powell
Treasurer Kate Stewart
Sailing Secretary Nigel Wordingham
Membership Secretary Maggi Flatman
Communications Manager James Bush
Boatswain Malcolm Flatman
Social Secretary Vacant
The Committee nominated the following Non-Committee positions and these were agreed.
Coxswains Brian Gray, Chris Evans
Website Manager James Bush
Social Media Manager Mike Morcher
Racing Results Officer Jeff Harteveldt
Race Equipment Officer Position cancelled
Training Officer Pio Altarelli
Health, Safety & Welfare David Kemble-Taylor
The President thanked members for stepping forward to serve on the Committee and those who were willing to continue to be co-opted into Non-Committee positions.
In an informal session after the AGM members heard that replacement quay headings would cost in the order of £30,000. There was no appetite in the meeting to meet such a bill and the Commodore and Committee were asked to explore other options.
The absence of a Social Secretary is most regrettable. Willing individuals are organising and executing individual events, but the lack of a Social Secretary adds an unwelcome burden on the Commodore and committee. A volunteer is needed, please.
Prizes awarded in 2024 were as follows:
Spring Trophy Cancelled
Inaugural Trophy Brian Gray & Martin Salisbury
Summer Regatta Nigel & Sean Wordingham
Commodores Cup Nigel & Sean Wordingham
Oby Thistle Jeff Harteveldt & Mick Bashford
Emblem Trophy Jeff Harteveldt & Mick Bashford
Founders Cup Pio & Sue Altarelli
Harvest Bowl Jeff Harteveldt & Mick Bashford
Green Ranger Jeff Harteveldt & Mick Bashford
Globe Trophy Cancelled
Club Championship Pio & Sue Altarelli
Novice Cup Cancelled
Individual Handicap Jeff Harteveldt, Mick Bashford
Endeavour Trophy David Reeve
Saltwater Trophy Pio Altarelli
Past Commodore's Cup Jeff Harteveldt
Bavaria Trophy Malcolm Flatman
Photo Competition Mike Morcher
Peter Coleman and Maggie Lomax were nominated as Honorary Members for their contributions to
the Club over many years.
Mike Morcher’s photograph gallery is available on the NRSC website here, with thanks to James Bush
Committee Highlights
The Committee met on 25th October and sent best wishes to Michael Sparrow, recovering from a stroke in hospital. It was agreed that subscriptions would remain unchanged for 2025, given that membership numbers were falling; worries were expressed about the decline in popularity of racing; the accounts were in good shape; the state of the Anchorage quay headings and the risk of flooding were major concerns. The Programme for 2025 was agreed for presentation to the AGM and transmission to NSBA for the Green Book.
Club Championship Race Report by David Reeve
Anchorage, Saturday 5 October 2024; OOD David Reeve; Timekeepers Mike and Julia Morcher. Six entries were received for this pursuit race, with the following result:
1 Strega; 2 Tallulah; 3 Cho Cho San; 4 My Weigh; 5 Simply The Best; 6 Pegamoose.
The weather was promising with fair wind and weather forecast. Buoys were located near Boundary Dyke (thanks to Pio and Sue) and downstream of the Anchorage. My Weigh was first away at 12:55 with a following wind (but not quite enough of it) and following tide. She had a time advantage of 22 minutes over the second starter and was well on the way back from Boundary Dyke before Strega, the first chasing boat, was spotted. Inexorably, the faster boats overtook My Weigh before the finish time of 15:00 with Strega in the lead. Many thanks to Mike and Julia who manned the line and started everyone at precisely the correct time and produced tea, coffee and cakes after the race. A photo gallery is available on the website (thanks to Mike Morcher and James Bush).
Visit to the Hyperbaric Unit, James Paget Hospital, 16 October 2024 by Pieter & Elize Bothma
Hyperbaric oxygen therapy involves breathing pure oxygen in a pressurized environment. It is a well-established treatment for decompression sickness, a potential risk of scuba diving. Other conditions treated with hyperbaric oxygen therapy include serious infections; bubbles of air in blood vessels; wounds that may not heal because of diabetes or radiation injury. In a hyperbaric chamber, the air pressure is increased 2 to 3 times higher than normal. Under these conditions, your lungs can gather much more oxygen than would be possible breathing pure oxygen at normal air pressure. This extra oxygen helps fight bacteria and triggers the release of growth factors and stem cells, which promote healing.
Seventeen people attended this instructive event, found it interesting, and enjoyed a lively discussion on-site. A few brave souls even went into the chamber to get a "feel" for it. After the meeting, everyone retired to a private room in Capt Manby's hostelry and enjoyed the carvery and company.
The President and Commodore attended the NSBA “EGM” on 2 October, which turned out to be a discussion about the NSBA's incorporation plans and the potential hiring of a KC for legal action against the Broads Authority. No decisions were taken. On incorporation, the Club’s Committee has no objection if the aim is to control NSBA members’ liability. However, we are not prepared to lose the current voting rights of affiliated clubs. On NSBA's fundraising efforts to hire a KC, they have fallen well short of their £12,000 budget, raising only £3,000. The Committee believes that NSBA’s approach does not benefit the boating community and has unnecessarily set the NSBA at odds with the Broads Authority and others. For more information, see the NSBA Newsletters, which are sent to NRSC members regularly.
On 25 November, the Commodore attended the NSBA AGM on behalf of NRSC and as an individual member. The meeting declined to adopt NSBA’s draft constitution Version 17(!) as it did not allow satisfactory voting rights to the affiliated clubs. The General Purposes Committee was sent away to think again. In the informal session after the AGM, considerable concern was raised about the continuing campaign for a KC to fight the Broads Authority about how tolls are allocated. Many in the room believed the NSBA campaign was ill-considered, lacked sufficient support from the NSBA membership, and should be reconsidered, repackaged or abandoned.
Broads Authority
The Commodore attended a briefing on the Broads Authority’s financial situation and the proposed toll charges in 2025. The matter was discussed in great depth at the subsequent Navigation Committee meeting, and a 5.9% increase in tolls was recommended. The full meeting of the Authority members on Friday, November 29, will make the final decision.
Broads Society
The Broads Society, of which NRSC is a corporate member, has entered into a Memorandum of Understanding with the Norfolk & Suffolk Broads Charitable Trust (the Broads Trust) to promote fundraising and enhanced project execution in the Broads.
Many thanks are due to all those Committee members and event organisers for providing
information and reports for this Newsletter.
Dear NRSC Members
This is the time of year when boats start to change hands and new plans are laid for the coming year. Please do keep an eye open for prospective new Club members and take the opportunity to have a chat with them. There is a common misconception that the club is all about racing but, as well know, there are plenty of opportunities to join cruises, visit new places, and team up for Sailing in Company.
I’m sure many of our members, whether still sailing or not, will be interested in the Broads Society’s initiative to address the problem of scrub and woodland encroachment on important sailing areas. A useful introduction to the problem is Bill Clark’s new video, which can be viewed on the Society’s YouTube site using this link: Protect our reedbeds If you have information that you would like to add to the debate, do go along to the Broads Society workshop on Thursday, 3rd October, at the Norfolk Broads Yacht Club (NBYC), Wroxham, from19:00 to 21:0 . The focus will be on identifying river stretches most in need of attention, with small groups ideally working on data from the Bure, Yare, Waveney, Thurne, and Ant rivers. Once these priorities are mapped, the Society will be able to plan an effective campaign of action.
All the very best
Mark Collins
Please contact the organiser for registration and further information. Their details are in the Red Book.
5 October Club Championship Anchorage, Bure, Thurne David Reeve
16 October Hyperbaric Unit & Carvery James Paget Hospital Pieter Bothma
9 November AGM, Prize giving & Lunch Old Rectory Hotel Alison McDermid
Crostwick NR12 7BG
10 December Christmas Cracker Social BridgeStones Cafe Jim Stewart
Potter Heigham
The Club’s Committee met by Zoom on Wednesday 7 August and Wednesday 17 September at 16:00. There will be meetings on 17 October and finally 6 November before the AGM on 9 November.
Jim Stewart has stepped up to volunteer as the Club’s Treasurer and will be nominated at the AGM - thank you Jim! The high number of other vacancies on the Committee remains a priority concern. The lack of volunteers to the Committee now presents a serious problem for our Club.
Nicholas Poole has been enrolled as a member of NRSC. He is the new owner of Pegasus 700 Freyja , moored at Boundary. Welcome Nicholas!
Many thanks to the Boatswain, Coxswains, and all those who have helped to keep the Anchorage in good condition and the grounds tidy through the summer. It was looking great for the Harvest Bowl. It is very much recognised and appreciated that a group of stalwarts quietly get on with mowing, strimming, and maintaining the generator and tools. All fire extinguishers and gas facilities have been serviced.
The Club’s quay headings still need to be repaired and cost - effective ways to do this continue to be reviewed by the Boatswain and Coxswains. UPVC boards are being considered.
Sailing in Company: Numbers have remained fairly steady as the weather has improved. Join the WhatsApp group by contacting Brian Gray.
Oby Thistle Saturday 3rd August 2024
The race was based at the clubhouse and an enjoyable day and team effort made it successful.There were two races, each with two starts, the first with two yachts, the second with three. The five entries were Déjà Vu, Tallulah, Cho Cho San, Simply The Best and Swift, all 800s except Swift, a 700.
Winds were light and variable, and the first race start was to the Acle mark against the incoming tide. Tallulah made a good start but Swift managed to be over the line and had to turn around for another approach. The second start had even more trouble with Simply the Best and Cho Cho San ending up on the bank and even Déjà Vu had trouble finding any wind. The course was then up river to the Boundary mark and back to Acle, with the course wisely shortened by the Timekeepers to finish at The Anchorage. Tallulah came in first with Swift second, Déjà Vu third and Cho Cho San fourth. We then all had lunch and enjoyed each other’s company at the Anchorage.
The afternoon race was started upriver to make it easier to get away. This time Déjà Vu won with Swift second and Tallulah third. Final positions were close, and the results were 1st Déjà Vu, 2nd Tallulah, 3rd Swift, 4th Cho Cho San Simply the Best DNF. The OOD was hugely supported by the excellent time keepers Margaret and Pat, who not only kept time but also completed the starting sequence with flags and sound and also the finish protocol.
David Kemble Taylor OOD
Emblem Trophy 4th August 2024
Due to the wind conditions, the start and finish of Sunday’s Emblem Trophy was moved from the clubhouse to Boundary Dyke. In the morning, race, four boats started in two groups in a light breeze. The course set saw the boats navigate upstream to a mark near Thurne before the next mark towards St Benet's and another mark through the start /finish line beyond the 24 hour moorings. The very light breeze was challenging and the course was shortened after an hour of sailing. Déjà vu and Cho Cho San had particular problems getting back from the Thurne buoy on the first round. Results after handicap saw Deja Vu ahead by about a minute and a half to Cho Cho San, who was followed by Simply The Best and Swift.
The course for the 2nd race was reversed and with a stronger breeze, good sailing was to be had by the four boats. Whilst the final result saw Déjà vu winning on handicap, Simply the Best was only a minute behind and Swift was not too far behind either.
Final results for the Emblem Trophy were: 1st Deja Vu, 2nd Simply the Best, 3rd Cho Cho San and 4th place was Swift.
My thanks go to Margaret Harteveldt and Pat Bashford for excellent time keeping and overall race control. With such good conditions this weekend for sailing it would have been great to see more boats “having a go”, especially as we have over 20 Pegasus yachts in the Club. I look forward to seeing you next time.
Jeff Harteveldt, OOD
Southern Rivers Cruise, 10-16 August 2024 Six-thirty a.m. on Saturday 10th August and this year’s bijou fleet of Caballero, Déjà Vu and Nereid cast off down the Bure to commence what would be a sizzling Southern Broads Cruise! An uneventful transit through Yarmouth at bang-on 9am took us over Breydon, then steer ing left onto the Waveney
we made our way down to Somerleyton. On arrival late morning, moorings were plentiful and we
even enjoyed the use of electric hook ups, what luxury!
After a rambling walk around the village, we enjoyed a tasty meal in the Duke’ s Head before retiring.
Sunday dawned bright and clear with the bonus of a cooperative wind, which would take the fleet all
the way upriver to our guest moorings at BASC in Beccles. The heat was building all day and the use
of showers in their club room was very welcome! As planned, we were in time to buy barbecue food
at Morrisons and enjoyed the long summer evening, albeit including a stressful 20 mins when
Pieter’s phone fell between the decking onto the river edge (the situation made worse with him
being officially ‘on call’ as well). All ended ok though, as being a responsible consultant he had
brought along a selection of laparoscopic instruments to effect the recovery of said phone!
Although the fleet was small, we had worked hard to offer opportunities for other members to join by car, which proved very popular: on the Monday we chose probably the hottest day of the year to walk the 6km to the Geldeston Locks Inn but were rewarded as six members joined us for lunch before we headed back on the ‘Big Dog’ ferry back to Beccles. A less eventful
evening followed involving an outdoor game of ‘Kubb’, hand-made by Jeff no less... unsurprisingly his team was victorious, after whch we were joined by another three members for drinks.
Being keen for sailing opportunities, the fleet moved to Oulton Broad Yacht Station for the Tuesday and were rewarded by a lively lunchtime sail, dodging all manner of craft on a busy Broad. After a lazy lunch on mud weight, we headed into the marina and onto a tasty meal at the Wherry, most having the carvery.
The second half of the week was spent on the Yare, first stop were the moorings at the
Surlingham Ferry Inn for two nights where we baked in the tropical heat once more, enjoying a relaxed welcome and excellent food. On Thursday, Deja Vu ferried
Caballero’s skipper and crew over the water to visit Mike’s relatives who live at Braydeston
Farm and then went on to motor up to Postwick Bridge and sail back. Nereid remained at the mooring having some admin to perform, but ending up spending a considerable time fending off motor cruisers who were struggling with the stern on mooring arrangements in the strong wind!
Friday brought its own handy wind shift, and the fleet was able to sail at least half the journey down river, including tacking through some strong gusts by the Cantley sugar plant. A quick recce up the Chet to Lodden and then we were moored outside the Reedham Ferry Inn, well poised for the return across Breydon the next day. Remarkably, ten other members joined us
for dinner (in addition to one member from the southern broads joining for a drink) proving what a sociable club we are, and a convivial last night was enjoyed by all!
Simon Gould
Founders’ Cup & Memosail Trophy 28 -29 August 2024
The Founders' Cup was held on Wroxham Broad on Wednesday and Thursday 28- 29 August with two races each day. There were seven entries. We were hosted by the Norfolk Broads Yacht Club, which also provided the OOD and Race Officers who were hospitable and efficient, setting interesting courses but not involving too many buoys! The weather was warm and sunny , the wind fairly light with occasional gusts and, subject to the usual vagaries of the Broads in general and Wroxham in particular, from the East on Wednesday and the West on Thursday.
In the first race Déjà Vu obtained a commanding lead and was first on handicap. Strega beat all the other boats before handicap to come a comfortable second. Cho Cho San failed to shake off Tallulah who came third on handicap. In the second race Déjà Vu again stormed into the lead but initially missed a new mark that had been added in. Strega, who was lying second,
realised just in time and performed a graceful 360 to round it. Déjà Vu, having rounded the mark, quickly caught up with the 800s, but Strega kept ahead of the other 800s and was more difficult to catch finishing just a minute behind Déjà Vu and easily winning on handicap. Tallulah had a good race beating Cho Cho San over the line and came second on handicap. Déjà Vu
was third on handicap 5 seconds ahead of Cho Cho San.
After a day of staying alert to try to keep up with the wind shifts, we repaired to the clubhouse where we met up with a goodly selection of members who had come to watch or for the meal. About 30 of us sat down for the meal. There was no need to
book this year and a greater choice of food, though fish and chips seemed the most popular.
The races next morning were round a triangular course with two buoys at the South end of the Broad and one at the North with the start going South. The trip from the North end back to the South end seemed to include virtually every point of sailing apart from a run as the wind shifted.
In the first race, Cho Cho San claimed line honours over Strega by one second but was comfortably beaten into second place on handicap. Déjà Vu was not in best form but still came third over the line and on handicap. In the last race Déjà vu ad apparently shaken off some weed and broke free finishing about 6 minutes ahead of Strega who again was second over the line. Cho Cho finished third over the line on handicap whilst Pegamoose was close on her heels and obtained a well-deserved third.
The wind shifts mean you cannot allow yourself to think you have the race "in the bag" until you have actually finished. Overall Strega came an excellent first with Déjà Vu second. Cho Cho San and Tallulah scored the same points. Since Cho Cho San had the better result in the last race, Cho Cho San scraped a third. After the racing the President/Sailing Secretary presented the prizes of the Founders Cup and Memosail watch.
Harvest Bowl 7th September 2024
There were three entries in light variable winds mostly from the South. The OOD set a course from the Anchorage upriver to round buoys up the Thurne and the Bure towards the pumphouse. Competitors were allowed to choose which to round first. Simply the Best and Deja View got the best starts with Cho Cho San languishing, not helped by trying to use her
whisker pole. Déjà Vu spent a while testing her jenniker but eventually gave it up for a bad lot.
At the Thurne Mouth split, STB followed Deja View up the Thurne first so Cho Cho San went for the upper Bure, which was the shorter leg. The winds were fluky and, judging from the language, all helms had trouble rounding the marks. In a strong incoming tide Cho Cho San certainly had to make several tacks to get back having passed the Bure mark. It was a similar
story on the Thurne with glacial progress back against the tide.
When we rejoined at Thurne mouth for the final tack back to the Anchorage, Deja Vu had a substantial advantage but Cho Cho San was well ahead of STB , who had spent a little time botanising in the reeds. The natural hazard of the mill did not change the order. The result was that Déjà Vu finished 15 minutes ahead of Cho Cho San easily saving her handicap whilst STB was unable to make up the ground on Cho Cho San.
Many thanks to OOD and Timekeepers Pio and Sue Altarelli.
Report by Nigel Wordingham.
Globe Trophy 21 September 2024 - cancelled due to too few entries.
TRAINING: - Nothing to report
The For Sale page on the Club’s website has been updated. Contact James Bush to advertise .
The Past Commodore, Sailing Secretary, and Committee are developing the programme for 2025. They are considering a range of new initiatives, including more cruising versus less racing, one - versus two - day events, evening races, and others. If you have a good idea for an event, please get in touch.
Nigel Wordingham and Mark Collins wil l attend the NSBA EGM on 2 October, which will address the NSBA's incorporation plans and the potential hiring of a KC for legal action against the Broads Authority. On incorporation, the Club’s Committee has no objection if the aim is to control NSBA members’ liability. However, we do not want to lose the voting rights of affiliated clubs.
NSBA's fundraising efforts to hire a KC have fallen well short of their £12,000 budget, raising only £3,000. The Committee believes that NSBA’s approach is not beneficial to the boating community. For more information see the NSBA Newsletter.
The Authority has circulated Navigation Charges 2025/26 - Briefing Note, a detailed account of its expected financial shortfall for the navigation, and the likely impact on tolls 2025 -26. This will be circulated to all members alongside this Newsletter. The Authority has asked for views on the following three questions and everyone is welcome to respond individually. The Committee will not send a Club response.
Alternatively, contact the Broads Society, which will be making a responce.
Question 1. What level of tolls increase, and associated savings and reductions in service do you think the Authority
should be considering?
Question 2. If the Authority must make savings, which areas of navigation expenditure should we focus on?
Question 3. Should there be any change in the relative charges between the different vessel categories?
The Broads Society has announced the launch of Broads Guardians, a new initiative aimed at promoting and encouraging volunteering across the Broads by providing a framework to ensure the protection of volunteers, particularly in areas concerning liability, health and safety, and by seeking access to new sources of funding. To begin this important work, the Broads Society, with the support of NSBA, is hosting a workshop on Thursday, 3rd October, at the Norfolk Broads Yacht Club (NBYC), Wroxham, from 19:00 to 21:00, to identify river stretches most in need of attention. The meeting will be attended by Club President Nigel Wordingham and any other members concerned about scrub and woodland encroachment on important sailing areas, please contact the organiser Duncan Holmes and let him know that you will attend.
Many thanks are due to Committee members and all event organisers for providing information and reports for this Newsletter

Dear NRSC Members
Well, we finally got properly going after what seemed an eternity of rain! As you’ll see from this Newsletter, we have now held some excellent races and completed a challenging cruise down the East Coast.
Although generally in good shape, the Anchorage quay headings need some attention and we would encourage all members to help in due course.
One last thing. Do please chat up your neighbours in the various moorings and bring in some new members. Your Club needs them!
All the very best
Mark Collins
Please contact the organiser for registration and further information.
3 August Oby Thistle Anchorage David Kemble-Taylor
4 August Emblem Trophy Anchorage, Bure Simon Gould
10-17 August Southern Rivers Cruise Bure, Yare, Waveney Simon Gould
2 8-29 August Founders Cup NBYC Wroxham Nigel Wordingham
7 September Harvest Bowl Anchorage, Bure Pio Altarelli
21 September Globe Trophy Yarmouth-Acle Pio Altarelli
5 October Club Championship Anchorage, Bure, David Reeve
& Thurne
The Club’s Committee met on 8 July by Zoom and the next meeting is also by Zoom on Wednesday 7 August at 16:00.
There is now considerable concern amongst Committee members that the number of volunteers stepping forward for the Committee at the AGM later this year may be far too low to run the Club in the way that we would all wish. We know that recruitment to the Club is difficult, for reasons beyond our control, and a certain number of members naturally fall away every year. Your Club has an amazing events calendar, and we are extremely fortunate to have the Anchorage clubhouse remaining at our disposal, but to keep it all going through this tricky patch, we do need a healthy turnover of people serving on the Committee.
It’s not especially hard work, is very efficiently and legally run these days, and is more often than not done by Zoom, so no travel is involved. Most of the heavy lifting is done voluntarily outside the Committee meetings. It feels good to be helping others and contributing to a Club like ours. I know how many of you do indeed quietl set your shoulders to the wheel outside the bright lights of the Committee - we thank all of you for that - but the Committee needs more members to come forward for the general
running of the Club. If you would like to give it a try, please contact the Secretary or Commodore.
Guests are very welcome at our events . If visiting the Anchorage they should complete their details in the Visitors Book. If taking part in races, details of the guest need to be sent in advance to the Membership Secretary and Sailing Secretary for legal reasons. Guests on cruises need to do the same and also pay a fee (currently £10.00) to the Treasurer. The leader of the cruise is responsible for ensuring that this is done before the cruise takes place. Failure to do so exposes the Club to unwarranted risk. We have a policy on our website that explains these matters in more detail. Thanks for your understanding and compliance.
We have received one new enquiry for membership, which will be reviewed at the next Committee meeting . I don’t think we h ave we ever turned any poor soul away!
Many thanks to the Boatswain, Coxswains and all those who have helped to keep the Anchorage in good condition and the grounds tidy. It was looking great for the Commodore’s Cup! Several members quietly get on with mowing, strimming, maintenance of the newly installed generator and checking over the tools. Believe me, it is very much appreciated! All fire extinguishers are currently being serviced too.
The Honours Boards with updated details have been rehung - each year after the AGM they have to be taken down, shipped to the sign makers, brought back, stored and then rehung in the Spring. If you would like to volunteer to take on this relatively small but important task, please do get in touch.
The Club’s quay headings need to be repaired and you won’t be surprised to hear that the cost of materials is estimated at £2000.00. Our cashflow can handle this thanks to the efficient foresight and working of the Treasurer and Committee over the years, but funds need to be replenished and the only way is by bringing in new members. The repairs will be done by Club members, otherwise the cost would at least double. Please step forward when the Boatswain puts out a call for a work party.
Sailing in Company: Numbers have remained a bit low due to the unpredictable weather, but things are picking up. Join the WhatsApp group by contacting Brian.
East Coast Cruise: The weather was disappointing, and the fleet spent a full two weeks confined to the rivers around the Harwich area but a good time was had by all. Warm thanks to John for organising it. A full and splendid report by Sue and Pio may be found at the end of this Newsletter.
Summer Regatta: This was cancelled on day one, Saturday 6 July , due to bad weather, but two races were successfully run from Boundary on Sunday 7 July , despite it being cold, with strong gusty winds. OOD Jeff set up the timekeepers Maggi, Peter and Maggie, in a gazebo on the riverbank, which offered precious little protection, but several spectators came along and were glad of the shelter. From their vantage point they could see a lot of the race, which followed a varied course using the Bure and Thurne. From the start, just downstream of Boundary,Tallulah and Simply The Best, followed by Cho Cho San and Déjà V u, chased up the Bure to a mark near the mill and back round up to the pumping station and back to Boundary. Simply The
Best had a good first race and beat the field, but the weather worsened and experience told in the second race. Sometimes the reeds beckon as the wind can’t beat the tide, but at other times the call of the reeds is due to strong gusts catching out the unwary helm perhaps turning at a mark , slowing and losing control. Tallulah encountered this at the pumping station and Simply
The Best, doing so well, fell foul just before the finish and made close friends with a lee shore. In the final reckoning, Cho Cho San was in a well - deserved first place , Déjà V u second and Simply The Best in third. A good time was had by all entrants, who, as ever, treated triumph and disaster with equanimity.
Novice Cup: was not held due to lack of entries. Where are all the novices in the Club?
Commodore’s Cup and BBQ: 21 July was a sunny day with a 10 - 12 knot southerly wind and an ebbing tide. The conditions were very pleasant for the seven boats entered for the race. OOD Mark set three starts downstream into the wind. My Weigh and Pegamoose led the charge, followed after ten minutes by Swift and Strega, then Simply The Best, Cho Cho San and Déjà Vu. From the Start at the Anchorage it was a short tack down to the first mark for a turn up to just short of Boundary Dyke, back down to the Acle mark, up to a mark at Oby Dyke and back around the Acle mark for a run upstream to the Finish. In first place was Cho Cho San, with Déjà Vu second and Simply The Best in third. Warmest thanks go to the Timekeepers Peter Coleman and Maggie Lomax for organising the race and Jeff and Mick for putting out the marks. Maggi, Malcolm and others did some excellent gardening to make the Anchorage look great, and we had lots of bunting and flags flying on the marquee.
After the race, 27 of us enjoyed a traditional BBQ organised by the Commodore (for the very last time!). Sadly, Mark’s wife Mel preferred a David Bowie tribute on the Isle of Wight with friends - how very strange...!! With no fewer than eight lovely salads generously provided by Jenny, Simon, Maggie, Pat , Monica, Maggi, Sue and Elize, followed by strawberries and cream, it was an excellent spread and much appreciated. The raffle raised a splendid sum too - thanks to John & Jenny for organising it and to every one who bought tickets and brought prizes.
Green Ranger: The following day, 21 July, four boats braved a warm, overcast morning and a light wind. This was a Pursuit Race, which is brilliant for relative newcomers to racing because nearly everyone goes off at a different time. What a pity all those newcomers never seem to turn up! But we had four boats , and Friendship led us away, followed ten minutes later by Cho
Cho San and Simply The Best, who both got “Phragmited”, my new term for exploring the reeds (Phragmites australis). Cho Cho San surely has the record for botanising the closest ever to the start line - just 2m across it, if even that ! STB got a bit further, but the problem was that the wind behind wasn’t as strong as the tide in front and the boat doesn’t do as it’s told when that happens! Déjà Vu enjoyed a better send - off, tacking up towards Boundary, driven hard by a tough handicap, but any resentment dissipated like dew in the morn when she won the silverware with Cho Cho San second and Simply The Best in third! Warmest thanks go to the OOD Peter Coleman and also to Maggie for timekeeping. Jeff, Mick, Mark and Simon dealt with the marks and mud thereon.
Southern Rivers Cruise: this is in hand with an excellent itinerary planned. Contact Simon Gould immediately please if you are thinking of taking part. He awaits your call!
Thanks are due to Jeff Harteveldt for giving us training in Navionics during the East Coast Cruise.
The For Sale page on the Club’s website has become out of date. Please contact James Bush to remove out of date adverts and place new ones. Do remember that if an advert is successful, it’s only fair that you should make a contribution to the Club finances. Contact James Bush for details or if your conscience is pricking.
The programme of events for 2025 is under construction by the Past Commodore and Committee. If you have a good idea for an event, please get in touch.Many thanks are due to Committee members and all event organisers for providing reportsfor
this Newsletter
Six sailing yachts gathered at the Anchorage on the afternoon of Saturday 8 June in preparation for the first part of the journey, masts down and motored down the Bure to catch slack water at Gt Yarmouth, through the harbour and onward down the coast to Lowestoft. St Helen, Déjà Vu , Cho Cho San, Nemesis, Caballero, and Strega lowered masts at the Anchorage and cheered on by
Eliza and their dog, left on a falling tide at 14.30 for the rather tedious journey, aiming to reach the Haven Bridge at around
16.00. Safely down the Bure, under the Haven Bridge on the last of the flood, calling up the Harbour VHF left us in no
uncertain terms that we were unwelcome there.
Having, with various difficulties, paid our perhaps illegal transit fee, we didn’t expect the humiliation at the hands of the Harbour Master, despite previous instructions not to call before entering the river, we were admonished for calling when we
were under the bridge, and yes we can recognise a lifeboat!
The coordinator for the Herring Bridge was most helpful an allowed us to use the pontoon to raise masts, but the Harbour Master seemed a bit disgruntled that we were talking to the Bridge, after all HE was in charge and we were taking too long anyway! The pontoon, however welcome it is, is not for the fainthearted as the currents are unpredictable, Strega lost her mast support overboard while raising. Cho Cho San didn’t make it to the pontoon and had to raise in the river, much to the consternation of the Harbour Master.
Happily, at sea now, Gt Yarmouth harbour behind us, Jeff ha passed the recognise a lifeboat test, and an easy stretch down the coast in a gentle SW f2 and a flooding tide. It took us around an hour and a half before the welcome sight of the North Newcomb PHB beckoned us into Lowestoft harbour and the RNSYC for the night. We were duly welcomed by their Commodore Jeremy Ives who gave us a potted history of the club.
Sunday 9 June, an earlyish start saw us ready to go South, VHF clearance for the North Sea at 0735. Last of the ebb, SW with max gusts of 20Kn, one reef and ready to motor sail as we needed to maintain around 7Kn over the ground. A s light sea swell made for a comfortable ride . The tide turned with us as we were off Dunwich; here the sea state started to change and we decided after Aldborough Ridge to head out to sea and take the Whiting Bank to the East as it looked quite rough close inshore. How
wrong can one be? The Whiting Bank and Hollesley Bay turned out to be very challenging, what Chris Pointer would have called Roly Poly! Now on the nose, difficult to hold our heading, deep troughs a lot of bottoming out in the troughs and green water over the bows, how exhilarating is that!
A testament to the strength of our boats that took quite a bit of punishment and well up to the challenge. Now full in the bay and the cranes of Felixstowe closing in, it was a relief to make the Crossing Point and the haven of the River Orwell estuary. Our first experience of lobster pots as we tacked towards Landguard in the heavy swell added to the excitement. Locked into Shotley Marina at 14.45 just before high tide, to discover the Shipwreck closed, so off to the welcoming Bristol Arms at Shotley Gate for dinner. So good to see the newly restored Ganges mast back in position and dominating the skyline. That evening, on the way back from the pub, we stood enraptured for about half an hour, serenaded by a Nightingale in the trees adjacent to he roadway to the marina.
Monday came, a NW force 8 and heavy rain, going nowhere today, hunkered down in the shelter of the marina nursing the bruises of the previous day. With the predicted forecast, it was decided, disappointingly but prudent, to abandon the journey down the Wallet into the Blackwater and on to the Colne and Brightlingsea, but instead to stay on the Orwell and Stour until the storm passed. Off to the Bristol Arms again after drinks on board.
On Tuesday 11 June, all quiet on the Eastern front, wind now F3 NW and a calm sea. We left Shotley at 10 .15 for a gentle sail towards Pye End and on to Hamford Water where we dropped anchor at 12 .15 for a leisurely lunch. Consternation on board Strega as we approached Stone Point and nothing lined up, then realised our chartlet was upside down!
Weighed anchor at 12.15, safely around Stone Point and arrived at Titchmarsh Marina at 15.45. Then it started to rain, or did it pour? Just as we were setting up for our BBQ! Anne and Bob Gant came to join us as we cooked and ate under umbrellas, but we still enjoyed the experience and the company. Titchmarsh has put a lot of thought into their BBQ area. It is very well appointed with brick stands and seating. Wednesday morning arrived with a light NW wind and with a planned leaving time of early afternoon, the morning was spent on maintenance and relaxation, until Nigel noticed that the mast step on Cho Cho San was
loose, which required manufacturing a long stud and bolting into place. At 14.30 we all left for a motor sail back to Shotley arriving at 15.45 culminating with drinks on board and a meal at the Shipwreck.
Thursday awoke to a nice F4 SW, leaving Shotley at 10 .45 for a sail up the Stour towards Mistley. With Mistley in sight and a falling tide we turned around back to Wrabness where we picked up buoys for lunch. A chance to try out the new threader boathook on Strega, more practice needed there! Leaving Wrabness at 14.15 with a strengthening wind, back onto the Orwell making Woolverstone Marina at 16 15. With the restaurant there still under repair following last year’s arson attempt, we dined out in style at the Royal Harwich next door!
On Friday, a late start and in need of exercise we stepped out on foot for Pin Mill expecting rain that never arrived, for lunch. Took off from Woolverstone under motor on the last of the flood for Ipswich at 14 .45, a long wait for the lock to open and safely in the marina at 15.55. We all joined up for an Indian meal in the evening.
Saturday saw changes of crew and a topping up of provisions followed by an early evening trip to our favourite Chinese all - you - can - eat restaurant. Sunday awoke to a morning of light rain, leaving at 14.00 with a light SW back down the Orwell for Shotley arriving at 17 . 05. Our plan was to leave early next day and head up the Deben spending a night on a mooring at Felixstowe Ferry, but with worsening weather, we decided to have an extra day in the relative shelter of the Orwell and Stour. So , on Monday, we had a late start, locked out , and went up the Orwell towards Pin Mill, where we picked up moorings and had a very leisurely lunch watching the boats sailing by. With the wind picking up, now a brisk F4, we dropped our moorings for a beat and fine reach back up towards Felixstowe, arriving back at our berths in Shotley at 17.35.
On Tuesday, with the storm making the prospect of sailing uncomfortable, most of us decided to hunker down in the Marina and book the Bristol Arms for dinner. Caballero left for Woolverstone for the night to meet a visiting friend.
On Wednesday, still stormbound, we decided to take the Ferry to Harwich for a meal at the Alma Hotel where Simon and Andy joined us by yacht. It was a truly enjoyable meal as the hotel was able to seat us all around one table. Thursday saw an early start, 07.15 for a Northward journey to Lowestoft. 12Kn of NNW wind on the last of the flood. Motoring all the way, once the tide turned, we were just off Aldborough and making 6Kn over the ground when Nemesis started her engine woes! For a while she was forced to take a tow, first Cho Cho San, but the rope was too short, then Déjà Vu . After bleeding the fuel system she got going again, but the engine was hesitant all the way to Lowestoft. With great relief we all arrived without further incident at RNSYC at 16.15 where the two Johns spent the next hour draining the tank of brown diesel sludge and changed the filters. All cleaned up, the team enjoyed a final meal in company at the Hatfield Hotel.
It was decided unanimously that we would not chance Gt Yarmouth again, so next morning we went under the Gull Wing bridge for the first time and through Mutford Lock, back home via the Broads without further incident, arriving back at the Anchorage around 18 .00 to raise masts.
Despite the inclement weather, it was a great week with heartfelt thanks to John Blackburn and his organisational skills for coordinating the routes and booking marinas etc. Pio and Sue Altarelli , Strega

Dear NRSC Members
Mark Collins, Commodore
Please contact the organiser for registration and further information.
5 th June Navionics refresher Zoom Jeff Harteveldt
8 - 22 June East Coast Cruise East Coast John Blackburne
6 - 7 July Summer Regatta Anchorage Jeff Harteveldt
& novice Cup
20th July Commodore’s Cup Anchorage Mark & Mel Collins
21st July Green Ranger Trophy Anchorage Peter Coleman
Nigel and Sean Wordingham kindly developed an EDI policy for the Club that was reviewed by the Committee at its meeting on 15th May and will be agreed in final form at the next Committee meeting on 10th July. Ideas from members on ways to make the Anchorage more accessible would be appreciated.
As mentioned in the last newsletter, the Committee would be pleased to hear from more volunteers. Having said that, the current system of devolving responsibilities to a wider group of Club members appears to be working rather well.
Members whose partners are also active in the Club should make sure that their partners’ details are included in their membership documentation so that they are covered by the Club’s indemnity insurance. Check in the Red Book. If your partner’s name is not there and you want it to be, write to the Membership Secretary. Similarly, we are recording Emergency Contact
details for you (name, email, telephone). This can easily be done at the same time.
A working party of ten members has cleaned the Anchorage and improved the site generally. All the furniture has been thoroughly washed, the galley scrubbed and tidied, all windows washed, the floor cleaned, water containers cleaned, gutters cleared, the grass cut, and the willow hedge woven into a living weave. The generator has been inspected and the Committee has decided to dispose of it. Two members of the Committee have offered use of their portable site generators when needed. Honours Boards will soon be rehung. The Boatswain, Malcolm, is looking at ways to repair the quay headings to limit further deterioration. Thanks go to all for their help in these endeavours.
Spring Trophy. Postponed due to low entries and bad weather.
Inaugural Salver. A number of potential racers have been late in getting their boats ready this year and because of that we had a job putting the regatta together, Nigel’s telephone was buzzing. In the end it was agreed that four boats could make a one - day regatta to be held on the Sunday.
For the first race the wind was light and due east and the tide was flooding, the OOD made changes to the normal buoy positions to use a windward leg from the area above Oby to above Upton and the Acle buoy was put closer to the bridge to give three true beats in the course.
The four - boat fleet was split into two starts with My Weigh and Tallulah going first followed by Déjà Vu and Cho Cho San in the second start. Jeff in Déjà Vu developed a good lead which evaporated when he missed the Upton mark due to Wherry interference, but he caught the fleet up again.
The result of the first race was:
1 Cho Cho San, 2 Déjà Vu, 3 Tallulah and 4 My Weigh (David admitted that he had sailed all the buoys but perhaps not in the right order!)
The second race was held over the slack tide with a reduced course cutting out the Boundary buoy. Tallulah made a flying start and got clear of the fleet, taking advantage of the tide change as they rounded the Oby Buoy. The result of the second race was;
1 Tallulah, 2, Déjà Vu,3 My Weigh and 4 Cho Cho San.
This produced the following final result:
1 Tallulah 5.7 points 2 Déjà Vu 6 points 3 Cho Cho San 8 points 4 My Weigh 1 5.7 points.
Congratulations go to Brian Gray crewed by Martin Salisbury; this is Brian’s first regatta win and we wish him many more. Tom Parkinson OOD
East Coast Cruise. Six boats are now taking part, the Commodore having had to drop out.
The planning meeting on 20th April went well and thanks go to the Blackburnes for their hospitality.
Northern Rivers Cruise.
A full report and pictures are on the Cruising section of the website, thanks to Maggi and Malcolm Flatman.
Thanks also go to the Flatmans for distributing fliers to various outlets. Fliers are available for anyone else who is prepared to distribute them in their area. Email Commodore.
Thanks go to all those members who turned out for the Broads Society/Inland Waterways Association rally and protest “Fund Britain’s Waterways” at Acle Bridge on 5th May. A full report will be in the next edition of Harnser.
Spring Stroll. 13th April - Richard and Monica Webb. The spring walk went well and the organisers were pleased to see ten members take part. Everything went as planned and the conditions underfoot were quite good. Walking at an easy pace, participants made their way to Acle Bridge via the Anchorage, where they could sit outsideand take refreshment before separating for the return home.
Look out for news about the proposed Navionics Training zoom event: to take place 5th June. Contact Jeff Harteveldt.
Thanks are due to Committee members and event organisers for providing reports.
Dear NRSC Members
Welcome all to another season of sailing, cruising and social events with the Northern Rivers Sailing Club.
This slimline version of the Newsletter will be the norm from now on, as no one has stepped forward to replace me as the lead on the Newsletter. After producing 50 editions, I think it’s time for a change!
You should all have your Red Book by now, and the Green Book if you ordered one. If you haven’t got them, it’s probably because you haven’t made it to any of the Club events at which they have been distributed – you will be able to collect them from the Anchorage at your leisure.
All the very best
Mark Collins
Please contact the organiser for registration and further information.
13 th April Spring Stroll Acle & Fishley Richard & Monica Webb
20 th April ECC Planning Lunch North Pickenham John & Jenny Blackburne
27/28 April Spring Trophy Anchorage Nigel Wordingham
Please remove the following names and addresses from your Red Books as they are no longer members of the Club:
M. Barry; T Kelsey; R. Roth; P. Saunders; R. Stokes and A. Winters.
With four resignations and six subscriptions unpaid, membership of NRSC now stands at 46 , including 39 full and seven crew members, plus three Honorary and three Life Members. Please do what you can to recruit new members to our Club, whose programme of cruises, races and social events is surely without parallel.
If you can distribute membership flies for the Club locally, please contact the Secretary.
Roles & Responsibilities in NRSC
We will need a new Commodore, Secretary, Treasurer and Social Secretary at the next AGM , which might be a challenge. One way forward is to focus on volunteering and delegation rather than formal membership of the Committee . This has been working well with the Club’s social and sailing programme this year; thanks to everyone involved. Please try to help where you can.
The Anchorage
In February the Anchorage quay headings were considerably overtopped and the building was flooded inside. There is no permanent damage, and the building has not subsided, but this might change if repeated year after year. By March the water level dropped at least 30cm and the lawn was dry enough to strim and cut. A work party will be arranged shortly – do please come along.
Quay Headings
Many of the boards have holes and most seem to be a few centimetres down from the nosing strip. Those catching the sun seem to be worst affected and will need to be replaced soon before the holes become big enough to allow the escape of bark bags. In view of continuing higher water levels and hotter summers the future of the Anchorage was briefly discussed and it was felt advisable to think
about other locations. This will be discussed again at a future Committee meeting.
• Sailing in Company: all in hand. Contact Brian Gray to be part of the Whatsapp Group.
• Spring Trophy: OOD Tom Parkinson. Timekeeper Judy Jarvey.
• Inaugural Salver: OOD now Nigel Wordingham.
• Southern Rivers Cruise (June): Has been cancelled but contact Judy Jarvey if you are interested in leading a revival.
• East Coast Cruise: Planning meeting arranged for 20th April hosted by John Blackburne.
• Northern Rivers Cruise: All in hand and itinerary almost completed.
Newsletter: Commodore will now produce a two - page newsletter after each Committee meeting to be circulated to members in place of the full colour 6 - 8 page issues of the past. As yet , no - one has stepped forward for this important role.
Website : is doing well, and the For Sale site remains popular. The Club has plenty of fliers available if you are able to distribute them to chandlers, etc.
Calendars: These did not sell well this year. Consideration is being given to removing the printed programme information from the calendars, which would reduce cost. Programme information can be distributed on a separate sheet as well as in the red Book and could also be electronically distributed to Google Calendars and similar.
Regional Conference 25/11/23: No one attended from NRSC. In order to reaffiliate, the RYA has required all its clubs to provide detailed information on their policies and procedures. NRSC was well -placed to do this, having prepared a good policy portfolio a few years ago.
Work is still needed on our policy onEquality, Diversity and Inclusion, which will be carried out by the Committee.
NRSC is currently affiliated with the NSBA, but at the 2023 AGM, a member recommended that we rescind that membership as there were too few benefits. After discussion on this point, on NSBA’s plans to hire a KC to investigate the Broads Authority’s use of tolls, and on their plans to incorporate as a membership company limited by guarantee rather than a charitable incorporated organisation, there
was no clear agreement across the Committee and it was decided to keep a watching brief. NSBA Flag Officers meeting was attended by the Commodore.
• January Ropes & Training zoom event: cancelled.
• Visit to Creative Covers, Catfield: Successful event.
• Navionics Training zoom event: to take place 5 th June. Contact Jeff Harteveldt.
Social Programme
New Year’s Lunch – 20th January - Julia Morcher
Twenty - nine members met at the Brick Kilns for the first NRSC lunch of the year. A perfect opportunity for members to catch up and discuss their plans for the coming season and to collect a copy of the Red Book kindly brought along to the restaurant by James Bush.
A note of thanks has been sent to the venue.
International Boatbuilding Training College (IBTC ) Oulton Broad - 15th February - Glyn Williams
Twenty - two Club members attended IBTC for a very informative short training session on boat maintenance, a tour of the facility to see what is on offer and the wide range of traditional boats being restored or new build projects. The fees totalling £220 from the visit are to be paid as a donation to the Charity’s Student Bursary Fund. The College offers a wide range of short training courses (1 - 5 days)
and Club members may wish to take up places in the future to help broaden their range of skills and experience on boat maintenance.
Further Club visits may be offered in future seasons as the College moves to charitable status and a broader range of training opportunities and interesting boats under restoration become available for viewing.
NRSC Winter Wander - Saturday 24th February - Mick Bashford
I was asked if I would lead a walk for club members on 24th February so sorted out a route from Thurne, along the riverbank to Repps Staithe, then back to Thurne a little inland, over fields and through a wooded area. However, there had been so much rain in the weeks before that I decided that route would be very boggy. So a late change of plan saw ten of us set off from Thurne along the riverbank to Boundary Farm where we did a little bird - watching on the mere, with the Commodore’s guidance, on a beautiful sunny morning, and then a fairly short stroll back to Thurne on drier footpaths and minor roads. We had a look inside Thurne Church, a lovely little building lit by oil - lamps, before returning to The Lion to meet up with spouses, some of whom had not walked, and enjoyed a lively lunch in the pub. All - in - all an enjoyable and sociable occasion.
Fitting Out Lunch - Saturday 23rd March - Judy Jarvey
Our Fitting Out Lunch was a great success. Everyone helped out on the day and all seemed to enjoy themselves. I have had many members both personally and on e-mails say how much they enjoyed themselves.
We sold 48 tickets and the raffle generated welcome income. Thanks to all for bringing prizes. The boat jumble and book stall were also successful. This was down to the help from my committee who had past knowledge of running the event. Also, members who were prepared to make food for the event and finally everyone joined in on the day to help set up the event run the different stalls and help to clear away. It was perfect to see everyone together helping to make a successful event and enjoying themselves at the same time.
Hugh Crane Cleaning Supplies
Remember that the Club has an account at Hugh Crane, South Walsham Road Acle, where you can get all products in bulk and at significant discounts on shop prices. Also, if you want acid for boat cleaning, you can only get it through the Club from now on, as it is not available to the public.
Wilkersons, Acle
Hardware store Wilkersons, a former advertiser with NRSC, is changing hands. It will close for refurbishment and open again later.
Thanks are due to Committee members and event organisers for providing reports.
Dear NRSC Members
We had a brilliant AGM, Annual Dinner and Prizegiving at the Old Rectory Hotel in Crostwick – it was so good to see many Club members enjoying themselves! Next year we are hoping to make it even better by having a lunch instead of a dinner. We shall see how that goes.
Meanwhile, please buy a Club Calendar if you don’t have one yet. It’s a great way to keep abreast of our fabulous programme, and it’s full of great photos of the Club’s exploits. Contact James or Judy to get one in good time for Christmas.
We have started to pull together the Red Book for 2024 and could do with more advertisers. It’s just £25.00 for a half page and £50.00 for a full page. If you have a local chandler or marina that you favour, do please ask them if they would advertise with us – but first check that they’re not already doing so! By the same token, have a look in the back of the 2023 Red Book and try to support the business of our existing advertisers. It’s always worth thanking them when you visit and it will be appreciated.
This will be the final Newsletter for this year, and I must again remind everyone that we are a club run by its members for its members, and we need everyone to do their bit to the extent practicable. In fact, we have quite a few more volunteers to help with events next year, which is fantastic. But we still need more Committee members, and there’s always room for you at our Anchorage work parties!
Looking forward to seeing you all in the New Year but until then, I wish everyone a Very Merry Christmas!
All the very best
Mark Collins
AGM, Annual Dinner and Prizegiving
The Prizegiving was greatly enjoyed by all, and the full results table is here below. Congratulations to all the winners and many thanks to everyone who took part – we had a great season! Click here to see Mike's photos of the event
Vist to the International Boatbuilding Training College (IBTC) by Glyn Williams - book your place now!
NRSC is offering members and friends a wonderful chance to visit the renowned International Boatbuilding Training College in Oulton Broad, from 14:00 on Thursday 15th February, followed by supper at the Wherry Hotel at 18:00. The visit fee of £10 per person, which includes tea/coffee and biscuits, will go to a new Student Bursary Fund to help those who are unable to meet the full cost of their course.
The College is nearing 50 years in operation and trains students from all over the world in traditional boatbuilding skills. If you have ever wondered how wooden boats are built or restored, this is a chance to see students in action, meet the staff and tour the facility.
The College offers full- time, part-time and short courses in a range of subjects, including 2-3 day courses on Boat Plumbing and Electrics, Lofting Theory, Introduction to Woodworking, Working with GRP, Router Use, Decorative Carving and Splicing, Rope Work and Rigging.
To give Club members and friends a taste of what is on offer, a short 60 - 80-minute training session will be included in the visit with the Senior Instructor hosting a ‘Boat Maintenance Clinic’ where members can raise maintenance issues and receive tips and guidance on best practice solutions. To make the best use of this session, we will identify some specific subjects that you would like to discuss.
Places are limited, so to book, let Glyn Williams ( know without delay, adding your preferred training themes from the list above, or any other specific issues, and indicate whether you plan to join us for supper at the Wherry Hotel. Final confirmation with details will be sent out after Christmas, so don’t delay!
Northern Rivers Sailing Club is affiliated with NSBA, whose main purpose is to serve, protect and promote the interests of private users of pleasure craft on the Norfolk & Suffolk Broads, related rivers and the adjacent coast. One of our Club’s objectives is to contribute to the wider success of the Norfolk Broads community, and we are committed to helping NSBA achieve its purpose.
In its 2022/23 accounts, NSBA reported a 9% drop in its balance sheet, a 4% fall in membership subscriptions, and it is widely acknowledged that NSBA must address these issues by improving governance and services, attracting new members and controlling costs.
The Association remains committed to publishing its profitable handbook, the Green Book, but association members are concerned that net income from the Green Book dropped by more than two-thirds in 2022/23 and the all-important surplus on the product cost is now only 5%. NSBA has depended on income from the Green Book to prop up the main association for some time now, but that structure is now looking a bit precarious.
The NSBA has an important job to do, but whether it can do so in its present form is open for discussion. Despite its stated aim, the Association has no role in the Suffolk Broads or on the coast, and there are clear signals that its influence in the Norfolk Broads is waning. This is unwelcome news as the alternatives, mainly on social media, certainly cannot do the job needed. Improved regular and substantive communication with boating clubs like ours would help NSBA do better.
The AGM elected a new President, Brian Wilkins, and thanked most warmly the outgoing President,
Prof Richard Card. Ben Falat (pictured) was re- elected as Chair and David Evans was elected as
Vice-Chair. Mr Evans presented a case for the incorporation of NSBA, to reduce its members' liability,
an issue familiar to NRSC members. He recommended a fast-track incorporation due to the
perceived risk entailed in potential short-term legal actions by NSBA on Broads Authority increases
in tolls. NSBA individual members Mark Collins and Pio Altarelli, concerned about the prudence and
value of any such actions, had proposed an amendment that would see a thorough process of
consultation with NSBA clubs and members and a one-year timeframe. After a minor amendment,
this approach was adopted by the members.
NRSC had formally submitted a lengthy and detailed proposal to update the NSBA Rules. NSBA argued that this should be done as an integral part of the incorporation process, but after some debate, NRSC proposed a form of words calling for a thorough consultation and root and branch review of the NSBA Rules, independent of any future decision on incorporation, with a revised set of Rules to be presented by the time of the next AGM. This proposal was adopted.
After the closure of the formal proceedings, NSBA members enjoyed a lively discussion with fellow boaters on matters of the day
The Herring Bridge at Great Yarmouth became operational to river traffic from 07:00 on Monday, 27 November, and navigators are busy familiarising themselves with the new procedures for opening, which are available here. However, Norfolk County Council are still working on the bridge deck and hoping to complete this early in the New Year.
Meanwhile, as reported in the Daily Mail online news, “furious homeowners say the new
structure is to blame for floods as they threaten massive class action lawsuit against the Council”.
This argument would appear to lack an evidence base. An independent engineer has been to the
bridge, made some measurements, and could see no evidence of the bridge causing unusual
backing up of water. The impact of the medieval bridge at Potter Heigham is seemingly far
In Roman times, the River Thurne, in the headwaters of which the main floods are a problem, flowed to the sea, and it would probably be happier and more stable if it did so today, particularly with sea-level rise and high winter rainfall. But farmers might not be happy to see their coastal grazing meadows turning to saltmarsh.
The Vikings weren’t daft. They had their stronghold on the Isle of Flegg, between the estuaries of the Thurne and the Bure. It was fertile land, as those of you in Boundary Dyke will know, and was very well-defended by these natural features.
The root cause of flooding, drought, fires and other “natural disasters” is climate change caused by our inability to manage our waste sustainably. There’s a lot more energy in the climate system now and it demonstrates its power in ways that we don’t like and will find difficult and expensive to deal with. The various authorities charged with keeping the navigation open and homes safe are grossly underfunded. I hope the new tolls level will help, but I doubt it will be anywhere near enough in the medium term.
Meanwhile, I look forward to sailing through Herring Bridge. I hope there will be enough room for re- or de-masting. As sea level rises, I fear that before too long many of our boats will be locked in the Broads between bridges with insufficient air draft to navigate our way out.
EAST COAST CRUISE 2024 by John Blackburne
Our annual trip out to sea for two weeks was started shortly after the formation of the Club, with members like Reg Chambers, Chris Pointer, Anne and Bob Gant, Ann & Paul Fiddler, John Redding and others. I have heard people say that their boat is too small or not equipped, to go to sea, but in fact most boats, with a few changes, can safely go coastal sailing, especially when in company with other boats. Anne & Bob Gant proved this with many trips down the East Coast in their Pandora 700 called Alice, much smaller than a Pegasus 700.
When planning each day’s sailing, we are careful to plan the route, now made much easier with the Navionics programme (see Jeff Harteveldt’s Zoom training event on 5th June). We double-check the weather and tides, and we readily change our plans and stay in a marina until we are happy to proceed. For example, last year, as we had two skippers taking their boats to sea for the first time, it was decided at very short notice (as we left the Clubhouse), to go via the Broads to Lowestoft, and avoid the rather rough sea entrance, caused by several days of a strong east wind.
After many years of East Coast Cruises, there have been occasional equipment failures, but
I don’t know of any serious boat damage or crew injury. Even the most experienced boats
can experience problems, but our record is a testament to careful planning and a cautious
approach. I know of only one call-out of the lifeboat when Chris Pointer had the top of his
mast snap, resulting in a rope around his propeller. We have had engine and rigging
breakdowns, but these have normally been quickly fixed with the help of other skippers
and crew.
Those of us who do the East Coast Cruise spend the winter planning and looking forward to June each year and remembering many great sails without having to tack every few minutes and the enjoyment of an adventure with plenty of time for getting together in the evenings, for a meal and planning the next day.
The WhatsApp “ECC24 “is there for anyone interested in the Coastal Cruise, and advice and help are always available.
The government has announced a new national park in England, to be either in the Cotswolds, Dorset or the Chilterns. These are already Areas of Outstanding Natural Beauty, or what are now to be called National Landscapes. Julian Glover’s Landscape Review recommended that National Parks and AONBs be combined, which is a nod to that recommendation. The government is worried that people are spending less time in health-giving natural landscapes now than they were in 2020, and that the state of nature in national parks is, in many cases, worse inside than outside.
As part of the scheme, £15 million will also be shared between the existing family of national parks, including the Broads, which is a step in the right direction after years of flat-lining payments to the Broads Authority. The current Defra payments, which are significantly reduced in real terms, are one of the reasons that many boat-owners are unhappy about increasing tolls. They say that tolls-payers are subsidising the Broads National Park, and such a subsidy is not allowed under the Broads Act.
The problem with the current arguments is that the Broads is in a downward investment spiral: you pay less, so we pay less, etc. This is the last thing that’s needed when the climate crisis and biodiversity crisis threaten the Broads. Saving the Broads will be expensive for us all.
SCRAPPING BOATS adapted from the RYA News
What do you do with a boat that’s only fit for scrap? Small leisure craft built from the 1970s onwards were mostly constructed from fibre-glass reinforced plastic, or GRP. The boats are highly durable, typically lasting 30–50 years in active use, but disposal is becoming a big issue as they become too expensive to maintain.
GRP physically breaks down over time, releasing microscopic fibres that enter the
ecosystem where marine creatures ingest them, and these may enter the human
food chain. The options are to break up the hull and dump it in landfill, re-use it in
construction or use it in cement, but these aren’t all ecologically sound ideas and
have been banned in some countries.
The cost of controlled dismantling of an unwanted boat ranges from a few hundred
pounds for a dinghy to over £20,000 for a 15 metre-plus yacht. One of the most
expensive elements is transportation, which can double the overall cost, and people
with very old boats often won’t have the cash, or will be unwilling to part with it. Defra is consulting on possible solutions, such as cement kilns and recycling into new boats. But who will pay? That question remains unanswered!
Scientists have recorded more than 500 interactions between orcas and boats off the Iberian Peninsula since 2020.
A pod sank a sailing yacht off the coast of Morocco in the Strait of Gibraltar recently. They repeatedly rammed the
Grazie Mamma, causing damage and filling it with water. Search and rescue personnel tried to bring the damaged
yacht safely into port at Tanger-Med. But despite their efforts, it sank near the port’s entrance. The crew were
unharmed. So, do be sure to look out angry Orcas at Lowestoft and Yarmouth!

Dear NRSC Members
As the sailing season draws to an end, many of us are lifting out onto the hard. I’m glad my boat is undercover with the weather the way it is. In this Newsletter, I’ve included an article based on RYA advice about winterising – I hope it’s helpful, as it certainly was for me!!
The season's final race, the Club Championship, went very well . Our members enjoy these pursuit races, perhaps because they spread the chase across the entire time available instead of getting into entrenched positions early on. Entries were down to just four, which is a worry, but Broads Authority data for 2022 show a 9 per cent drop in the number of auxiliary yachts on the Broads, a trend that may have continued in 2023. It should come as no surprise that this has impacted our club in terms of overall membership and the number of race entries.
The AGM, dinner and prizegiving are coming up soon, and I hope you have all had a chance to read and consider the AGM papers. The Committee works very hard to put these together. They are an important record of the Club’s position and an easily accessible
record of our development over the years.
We have about 45 people for the dinner, which is a wonderful turnout! Nevertheless, we are asking the question as to whether a lunch might be better, allowing us to get back home in the light. Do come to the AGM and let us know what you think, or drop an email to Maggi Flatman.
Looking forward to seeing you all very soon!
All the very best
Mark Collins
Saturday , 7 October 2023, dawned with the prediction of a Force 4 gusting to 5 WSW wind, bu this proved optimistic, and the first starter in this pursuit race, My Weigh, struggled to get across the line. Once clear of the Anchorage wind shadow, she made steady progress towards the first mark near Boundary Dyke. Meanwhile, Strega and Simply The Best pottered near the start line and got away in a light wind within a minute or so of their allotted times, but Cho Cho San took a run at the line and was rather late in arriving.
In the first round up to Boundary and back to the Acle mark the four boats remained in their starting positions, but the upstream leg of the second round towards Boundary saw some exciting racing with My Weigh, Strega and Simply The Best sailing alongside each other for a stretch , with oncoming hire boats to contend with too. Strega skilfully pulled ahead with Simply The Best chasing close behind her.
For some distance, there was a tense competition between the two boats, but with the impediments of a strong ebb tide, Strega’s dirty wind and her helm’s good tactics, Simply The Best could not pass. Eventually, Strega pull ed over to leeward for a right - hand turn in the river, giving Simply The Best the chance to take the windward position and overtake. Simply The Best moved ahead, avoided the overlap, and took the Boundary mark in first position. From there, Simply The Best gained ground in the ebb tide, sailing close - hauled and avoiding the tacking needed by the higher handicappers.
Some way back, as the 15:00 hrs finish approached, Cho Cho San was steadily creeping up on My Weigh, and the finish came only just in time to prevent overtaking. At the finish, Simply The Best took a comfortable first position over Strega in second, My Weigh in third and ChoCho San in the rear-guard spot.
Many thanks are due to Mike and Julia Morcher, the stalwart timekeepers, and to Peter Coleman and Maggie Lomax, who volunteered to take over race - finishing duty, thus allowing My Weigh to race. Veteran NRSC member, John Redding, was on board My Weigh, as an honorary adviser and enjoyed himself enormously!
Water levels have recently been exceptionally high on the Bure
and other Broads rivers, resulting principally from heavy rainfall
in the river catchments.
This has resulted in an unusual phenomenon: rising water levels on
an ebb tide. This is because the inflow from upstream is faster than
the outflow through the narrow river mouth at Great Yarmouth.
Brian Gray ’s picture, right, shows the very high water level at the
Anchorage earlier this week .
It has reached just 20 - 30cm below the floorboards, and there
is yet more rain to come . Do take great care if you are mooring at
the Anchorage.
The fleet of six boats, including just one sailboat, was a little
disappointing by numbers but did not stop the enjoyment of
those taking part. A sign of the times was that two of the boats
were hired by those who had been through the sailboat to
motorboat to no boat route.
The itinerary was based on navigating the Yare as far as Çoldham
Hall, working our way back to the Waveney via Loddon, and then
on to Beccles to fulfil requests to spend more time at the Yacht
Station. Summer Wind, the cruise leader's boat was not able to
join the fleet mast down, so stayed in Loddon, remaining in
Ray and Theresa Segon came to visit at Loddon, and Alison
McDermid, with Martin and Tracey Salisbury, joined in for a
meal at Beccles. The two hire boats needed to eturn on
Friday and, joined by Wagtail, caught the evening tide across
Breydon water.
The remaining two boats moved on to Oulton Yacht Station and then to Somerleyton, to be ready for a bracing but otherwise uneventful 0500 Saturday return home.
NOTE: There are two cruises to the Southern Rivers planned for next year, one in June led by Bob & Judy Jarvey, and the second in August , led by Simon Gould – see the full 2024 programme in the September Newsletter for further details. Ed.
1. General cleaning and checking
Clean the engine and, in good light, use a mirror on a stick or
digital camera to see under and behind things. Dry the bilges and
perhaps paint them white to highlight leaks and drips.
2. Fuel tank
The usual advice is to fill the fuel tank to prevent condensation,
which in turn prevents the growth of diesel bug. [Personally, I’m
not so sure about this. Insulating the tank with a blanket should
prevent condensation, and I always use Marine 16 fuel additive
too – Ed.]
3. Change the engine oil
Change the engine oil and replace the oil filter before leaving it for the winter. Leaving the old oil contaminated with the acidic by - products of combustion inside the engine block shortens the engine’s life. Consider using a flushing additive to help remove more of the contaminants.
4. Check the gearbox
Check the gearbox or outdrive oil and replace it if it is cloudy or milky.
5. Drain the raw water system
Diesel engines with raw water cooling must be drained for the winter. Close the water inlet valve, or sea cock, disconnect a hose
from the circulating pump (unless there is a dedicated tap or plug), and refill with a strong solution of antifreeze. Run the engine until antifreeze is emerging . Simply draining the system can still result in frost damage.
6. Check the water pump impeller
Check the impeller and consider replacing it in the Spring , in case it has deformed over the winter.
7. Remove the air intake filter
Remove the air intake filter and block the intake with an oily rag to prevent rust inside, do the same for the exhaust. Squirt a little oil into the intake and turn over the engine, (without starting), to distribute it over the cylinder walls. Place a warning sign over the ignition.
8. Remove batteries
Consider removing the batteries and keeping them warm and dry over the winter, fully charged or topped up at least every four to six weeks. Batteries left uncharged for long periods may need to be replaced completely. have been told never to stand batteries on concrete. If youdon’t remove the batteries, leave them fully topped up and regularly recharged.
9. Belts and drive wheels
The advice is to relax or remove all belts and protect the drive wheels. Rust on these can chew up a belt in the new season. The one - day RYA Diesel Engine course will help you prevent and solve diesel engine failure, covering basic maintenance and engine care , including winterisation.
Ratty doesn’t often come across eels in the water, but once in a while, he bumps into one on dry land. They are unusual fish in that they can survive out of water for a while and will slither through wet grass to reach water.
The eel (Anguilla anguilla) is a thin, snake-like fish, lacking obvious scales and gills, and can grow over a metre in length .
It ’s found in our freshwater rivers and ditches, and last weekend one dropped onto the hard at Boundary when a boat was being lifted out.
Eels breed in an area of the west Atlantic Ocean, the Sargasso Sea. Their larvae drift in surface waters feeding on organic detritus before metamorphosing into glass eels and finally elvers. These undertake an incredible migration back to their parents’ habitats. Some stay in brackish or salt areas close to coastlines, but most swim upriver and , outside the Broads, are forced to climb obstructions, such as weirs, dams, and waterfalls.
Eels are predators and scavengers, feeding on dead animals, fish eggs, invertebrates and other fish. In the past, it was common practice to take eels for the pot when heir numbers were high, but removal of eels for any purpose is no longer permitted without licence, due to their endangered species status.

Dear NRSC Members
We were all very sorry indeed to hear about the death of John Tibbenham, a former Commodore of NRSC and a much - loved member for many years. Read more about John below. Our sincere condolences go to John’s wife Sue, and all their family and friends.
At last , we managed to hold the Commodore’s BBQ after two weather-related postponements, and it was good to see so many members there, enjoying good food, good friends and good fun.
We had more luck with our sailing programme in September, so read on for the results of the Founders’ Cup, Harvest Bowl and Globe Trophy.
Our final race of the year, the Club Championship, will be held on 7th October , so please get your entries to the OOD, David Reeve. Let’s get all our boats out on the water before the lifting-out.
Finally, on 11th November, do make sure the Club AGM, Dinner and Prize - giving is in your diary. We will soon send around the menu options, and I guarantee you will not be disappointed!
Last, but certainly not least, the Club Programme for 2024 has been completed, and a preview is available in this Newsletter. James is busy putting the Club Calendar together with all the dates included and will have copies available for everyone at the annual dinner.
All the very best
Mark Collins
NRSC PROGRAMME 2024 by the NRSC Committee
Your committee has worked amazingly hard to organise
next year’s programme well ahead of time so that all the
details are ready for the 2024 Club Calendar, which will
be on sale at the November AGM.
It’s a great stocking -filler and a handy reminder of what’s
coming up next. Here’s a preview for you (right).
In addition to the dozen races traditionally staged by the
Club, we have not three but four cruises, (two of them at
different times on the Southern Rivers to suit your
preference), training sessions in Navionics and other
mysteries, guided walks in winter and spring, a visit to
the International Boatbuilding Centre in Lowestoft and
the Hyperbaric Unit at James Paget Hospital.
We also have the usual New Year’s Lunch, Fitting Out
Lunch, Commodore’s BBQ and Annual Dinner, all
topped off with a Christmas Cracker Social!
A huge thank you to everyone who has helped put this
fantastic programme together and volunteered to take
the lead in an event. Your club needs you!
John was a long-time club member, a keen and skilful sailor. From the outset of his membership
he played a full part in the club's activities, and it was only a matter of time before he became
Commodore. He served in that role in the 2011 and 2012 seasons and gave wise, thoughtful and
unflappable leadership.
His profession as a quantity surveyor meant that he was always good at detail and organisation.
Committee meetings at his home were distinguished by his wife Sue’s cakes!
John was friendly and approachable, with a fine sense of humour. Always willing to help and give
advice he made a very good club member, and his company was appreciated by all.
John also contributed to wider issues in the Broads. He was a member of NSBA’s General Purposes Committee for some years and served on the Broads Forum. After he retired from his profession, he did hands-on boat work at a boatyard near Reedham
Ferry called Sandersons and was a source of good contacts and sensible tips. John was an all- round good man and much respected. He will be greatly missed.
FOUNDERS’ CUP, 30th – 31st August 2023 by Mark Collins
We always enjoy our Founders’ Cup racing over two days on Wroxham, hosted by our great friends in the Norfolk Broads Yacht
Club. Once again, we were not disappointed as six boats entered and moored overnight , and more than twenty members came along and joined us for a drink and supper in the lovely clubhouse on the evening of the first day. Our special thanks go to Martin Jones, our NBYC OOD for the event, and timekeepers Andrew Musgrave and Chris Dunster.
The Founders Cup Regatta is comprised of four races over two days, with a briefing after lunch on Day One. We had a bit of wind for the first race, most boats completing the circuits in 30-40 minutes , but for the second race that afternoon, it was 40-50 minutes and the next morning 50-60 minutes! For the final race in the morning of 31st August we asked for a shorter course as some of us pretty much ground to a standstill!
Déjà Vu romped away with all four races and won overall, with Strega taking a good second place and Tallulah and Simply The Best equal third. Other entries were ZigZag and My Weigh.
HARVEST BOWL by Nigel Wordingham
A good turnout of six boats sailed in quite light winds on 9th
September, the day of the postponed Commodore’s BBQ.
Accordingly, the course was set fairly short by OOD Pio Altarelli,
up to Oby Dyke , back to a buoy just before the clubhouse, then
to Upton and back for the finish.
The wind picked up a bit during the race , but dropped after the
first two boats had finished. Déjà Vu with Jeff and John
Hargreaves was two minutes faster than Simply the Best with
Mark and Malcolm, but STB won by 45 seconds on handicap.
Tallulah beat Cho Cho San comfortably on handicap.
Pegamoose II and My Weigh also ran.
CLUB BBQ & SOCIAL by Mark Collins
The Commodore's BBQ was a success for the Club, and just reward for the organisers, who did a great deal of work. I got back home with the recycling after the clear-up, quite exhausted, as I'm sure did many others! Mel was a great help to us, cooking the pork loins
and chicken thighs at home, which everyone greatly appreciated. We’re hoping solar power may have helped with the roasting marathon!
Many other Club members contributed by bringing salads, making purchases such as strawberries, preparing the clubhouse and grounds, putting up the marquee, ensuring we had gas, and dealing with the finances. Not to mention bringing excellent raffle prizes and simply participating in the event, which had to be postponed twice due to inclement weather.
There were many other acts of kindness and support, too many to mention. By my reckoning, there were 29 people at the BBQ, understandably a bit down on previous years, given the postponements. One or two must have paid and not turned up, as we had 32
registered, but they were all catered for. Nothing was wasted, and the Sunday workforce enjoyed a good lunch as a reward, which was richly deserved as we were several helpers down.
Then there were the races, also well-planned and successful, drawing in the OODs, timekeepers, numerous participants and, of course, the Sailing Secretary. This entailed planning the courses, putting out and gathering in marks, analysing results and working on handicaps to make sure the Club racing is equitable and inclusive, as it should be.
Many kind people commented favourably on the outcomes of the weekend, and I am most grateful to everyone for the great effort that was made.
The postponed Green Ranger pursuit race was held on Sunday 10th September, a very hot day with a moderate easterly wind. All the entrants got good starts, with approx. 9 minutes between the first, Friendship and the 800s.
The course was from the Anchorage to a buoy at Oby repeatedly till the hooter signalled the finish at 13:00, making a long hot race for the early starters. Simply The Best was on a lee shore for some time but managed to rejoin the race with some nifty lowering and raising of sails.
The finishing order was Deja Vu, sailed by Jeff and John, Cho Cho San with Nigel and Sean, Simply The Best, Mark and Ivan and Friendship sailed by Maggi and Malcolm. Thanks for the help given to the OOD, Peter Coleman, putting out buoys and time keeping.
GLOBE TROPHY by Pio Altarelli, Nigel Wordingham & Brian Gray
Long - term Club Member Alan Winters often used to rest between tides at Three Mile House on the lower Bure above Gt Yarmouth. He made friends with the owners, Keith and Angela Tebbutt, where they hatched the idea of an upriver race from Three Mile House to Acle Bridge.
The Globe Trophy, inaugurated by Nigel Wordingham in memory of his father, Jack, was initially two downriver races to the Anchorage but Nigel agreed some years ago to change it to today’s upriver race from Three Mile House.
Angela Tebbutt has always prepared and served a light lunch as a welcome for the competitors. Her family and friends used to join her and provide quite an assembly to see off the crews. Over time , we witnessed the deterioration of Keith’s health as Alzheimer's took hold but, after his death, Angela has kept his memory alive by continuing to welcome us. It may be seen as a bit of a slog downriver to Three Mile House, but the welcome from Angela and her wonderful helpers make it all worthwhile.
This year the four starters were down to three as, while mooring to remast at the
Bridge Inn, Simply The Best’s crewman Simon, slipped and fell into the river. He
was quickly able to get to the pub’s ladder and no harm was done, but skipper Mark
decided to withdraw and head home to get Simon a change of clothes.
For the rest, the sail down was great fun, reaching and running all the way, helped by
the falling tide. After a tasty lunch the start, delayed by ten minutes, was watched
by Angela , herfamily and friends, about ten in all. The starters produced a fine show
of skill as they jockeyed for the start. With the tide just starting its flood and a 10kn
westerly wind, Brian, in Tallulah crewed by Chris Evans was first away at 1240,
followed in ten - minute intervals by Cho Cho San, Nigel and Sean, then Deja Vu, Jeff
and Mick.
After a spot-on start, Cho Cho San was making good progress, long and short tacks, but touching bottom occasionally, always a caution at low tide close to Gt Yarmouth. They felt at one point to be keeping their distance from Déjà Vu behind, but Tallulah stormed ahead, difficult to catch. At one point, they were becalmed which didn’t help their challenge.
Deja Vu tested the full width of the river which proved costly, touching bottom soon after the
start and damaging the rudder post. They were gradually catching the lead boats up the meandering river but the finish line at
Acle Bridge arrived before they could overtake.
On handicap after a two-and-a-half-hour race, only thirty seconds separated De ja Vu, the winner and Tallulah in second place , with Cho Cho San just two minutes behind.
The Bridge Inn kindly reserved moorings to enable de masting and the event concluded with a good meal, with 15 members joining in to welcome the intrepid crews.
Now that the NRSC Programme for 2024 is complete, we will have t he Club calendar available for purchase at the annual November dinner. All I need now are your photographs!
As ever, the best photograph will appear on the Calendar’s cover and will win the Club Photo Competition. Many of you are producing fantastic shots, notably from Sailing in Company and the East Coast Cruise, so do please enter.
Please send me a selection of your best shots immediately as we shall soon send the Calendar off to the printer.
HERRING BRIDGE abb. from Norfolk County Council
Herring Bridge will soon come into operation for all marine
traffic. Once operational, all vessels must contact Herring Bridge
Control to book a passage. The guidance on how to do this and
further bridge and navigational information will be
available soon.
The recent final river possession allowed the installation of guard
rails and fencing on the main bridge deck and the safe testing and
commissioning of all bridge operating systems.
Other areas that are now substantially complete include the bascule
chamber roofs, control tower and installation of pontoons for yachts
and other small craft.
Did you know that on average you have less than 11 minutes to recover a crewmate who has fallen overboard into cold water before the victim becomes unresponsive?
In the recreational sector almost half (47%) of man overboard occurrences between 2017 and 2023 resulted in a fatality.
Do take care!

Dear NRSC Members
Well, at last summer seems to be here! It has been a difficult season so far with some very strong winds and rain affecting racing, cruising and Sailing in Company, but we still have plenty of events lined up, so do come along and join in.
Please try to come to the Founders Cup at NBYC Wroxham this week – all the details are in my recent email, and there is still time to enter the races or come along to watch and book for the supper on Wednesday evening.
The postponed Club BBQ will be a highlight on Saturday 9th September after the Harvest Bowl. Next day, Sunday 10th September, we have the postponed Green Ranger, a pursuit race that everyone can enjoy. Don’t worry if you haven’t raced before, this event is pretty much like Sailing in Company!
On September 23rd, we have the Globe Trophy. This is a timed start race from Three Mile House on the Lower Bure, so entrants demast at Acle Bridge, motor downriver and race back for dinner in the Bridge Inn. It’s a unique race on our rivers, and great fun!
Finally, if for any reason you would rather not receive the NRSC Newsletter, just let me know, and I will take you off the list.
All the very best,
Mark Collins,
30-31 August Founders Cup Wroxham Nigel Wordingham
9th September Harvest Bowl Anchorage Pio Altarelli
9th September Club BBQ & Social Anchorage Mark Collins
10th September Green Ranger Trophy Anchorage Peter Coleman
23rd September Globe Trophy 3 Mile House Pio Altarelli
OBY THISTLE AND EMBLEM TROPHY by Mark Collins & Nigel Wordingham
What a weekend! On Saturday, 5th August My Weigh, Cho Cho San and Simply The Best ventured to the Anchorage with yellow weather warnings not far away. But at first, it was as if we were in the eye of the storm, with hardly any wind, but rain, rain, rain and the tide running in strongly, carrying bladderwrack up from the salt.
Peter Coleman, Maggie Lomax and Michael Powell very kindly took over race management for the weekend, and Nigel and Sean Wordingham put marks out on the Bure below the pumphouse, at Oby Dyke and at Acle.
In the first race for the Oby Thistle, the start was set upstream. My Weigh, with David Reeve and John Redding aboard, together with Cho Cho San carrying Nigel and Sean Wordingham, chose to take a run at it, while Simply The Best, with Mark Collins and new member Simon Norman aboard, doodled near the line, got carried over by the tide and had a fight to get back in poor wind.
All three were soon away, with Cho Cho San in the lead, but Simply The Best caught up and battle commenced, but Cho Cho San, flying a large genoa with stanchions removed to allow unimpeded tacking, took a modest lead by the Oby mark. The wind picked up a bit, and after rounding the mark Simply the Best was sailing to handicap till just before the mill. Luckily for Cho Cho San, Simply the Best suffered the combined effect of the awkward wind and the tide by the mill and came in third behind Cho Cho San and My Weigh (second on handicap).
In the second race for the Thistle, the three musketeers all took a very good upstream start
with My Weigh a nose in front, hemmed in by Cho Cho San and Simply The Best on either
side. The wind was improving, and Simply The Best took the Oby mark from Cho Cho San.
Cho Cho San briefly overtook Simply the Best in the ensuing tacking tussle but this time
Cho Cho San suffered the curse of the mill, with the wind seeming to change direction with
every tack. My Weigh caught up and nearly passed her! Cho Cho could only watch nearly
becalmed as Simply the Best glided smoothly away!
Simply The Best enjoyed a long tack to very near the clubhouse and came in first, followed
by My Weigh on handicap, with Cho Cho San third. Overall, with even points for Cho Cho
San and Simply The Best, national read-back rules kicked in and Simply The Best came first
and took the silverware, with Cho Cho San second and My Weigh third. That My Weigh
managed to get two second places in light winds and with an adverse tide was an
exceptional performance.
Sunday morning dawned with a mixture of sun and cloud with rainy squalls and the
predicted very high winds. ZigZag did not race while Cho Cho San and Simply The Best
squared up at the Anchorage, full of vim and vigour.
They pulled away downstream to hoist heavily reefed sails in the reeds, but the Force 5 wind hammered them at 29-33 knots. The boats were uncontrollable and both skippers independently admitted defeat. The racing was abandoned, and the crews returned to the clubhouse for sustenance.
On the return to Boundary, in what Mr Beaufort calls a “Fresh Breeze” straight down the river the waves were topped with white horses and the very high tide was over the banks. Mooring to windward in Boundary was a nightmare, with Simply The Best only saved by stern stuff from Peter and Maggie assisted by Ray Nichols and his brother ashore, and Martin Salisbury and Simon Norman on board. Not a classic racing weekend but definitely memorable and despite everything, spirits were high and the club delivered a fine experience for all.
I was recently asked for advice about a non-starting Yanmar 1GM10 following running out of fuel. Not easy on the end of a phone! A number of Pegasus yachts use this power plant, which, before marine use, began life powering cement mixers, it is rugged, but not refined.
We have one on Strega, and it got me thinking about simplifying the bleeding process, i.e. remembering what all the parts look like, which spanner size and in what order to bleed.
It is a procedure that is not required too often and will only need to be carried out if the tank has run dry, or maintenance work has allowed air to enter the system. A diesel engine will not run if there is air in the plumbing. The air bubble acts like a squishy balloon when it gets to the injector and will not allow fuel to pass through.
To bleed the system, you must first identify where the bleed points are and in which order to carry out the task. My pictures should help with this process, the sequence is the same on any diesel engine, although the elements may look different.
NRSC CALENDAR 2024 by James Bush
This year, I am hoping to have the Club calendar available at the annual November dinner,
thereby solving a few Christmas present problems and at the same time saving on postage,
which has become so expensive!
We have the 2024 Programme in hand so all I need now are your very finest photographs!
As ever, the best photograph will appear on the Calendar’s cover and will win the Club Photo
Competition. Many of you are producing fantastic shots, notably from Sailing in Company
and the East Coast Cruise, so do please enter the competition.
Please send me a selection of your best shots by the end of September at the latest, as
I shall soon be putting the Calendar together for the printer. Many thanks, and good luck!
As a sailing club affiliated to the RYA, NRSC aims to comply at all times with the RYA’s Racing Charter, shown below or click here
This is a straightforward, common sense policy, well worth a read.
HANDICAPS – WHAT ARE THEY ALL ABOUT? by Nigel Wordingham and Mark Collins
The Norfolk Broads saw some of the earliest yacht racing, as far back as the 1850s. The
Royal Norfolk and Suffolk Yacht Club (RNSYC) was formed in 1859 and convened the first
amateur trophy race in 1876, from which professional crews of “watermen” were excluded.
Events back then included boats of all sorts, as many do to this day, and giving everyone a
fair chance of winning has been a challenge ever since.
One answer was to construct fleets of similar boats in “classes”, the first example being in
Ireland in 1886. In the early 1900s, RNSYC commissioned their first “One Design” boats –
the Broads One Design or Brown Boat - to test the crew and provide the purest form of
racing. Many classes followed, including the Yare and Bure One Design (white boat) and the
Yarmouth One Design. Class races take place across the Broads today and are highly
competitive, attracting some of the best sailors.
The other approach is to have a handicap. This appears to have originated on the Solent in
the 1820s as a ‘primitive system of time allowance’ based on size. This did not go down well
with the owners of the bigger vessels, so starting a history of arguing about handicaps!
There have been many handicap systems over the years. Most attempt to handicap based on the boat itself, taking into account size, design, class and configuration. The aim is for the most skilled crews to have the best chance of winning in their boats.
A few years ago, the RYA introduced the national handicap for cruisers (NHC) - a system where handicaps changed frequently based on past results - like a golf handicap. This was based purely on the performance of a particular boat and its crew.
The issues with a purely boat-based handicap are:
• There is rarely enough data for a fully objective judgement, and even if there was, performance depends greatly on conditions on the day. No system is perfect for all scenarios.
• It is not helpful if only those who extensively prepare their boat, potentially spending a considerable amount of money and stripping the boat to make it lighter, can be competitive. We want to encourage broad participation.
• If only one or two members are likely to win, it is not motivating or challenging enough for them either.
The issues with a boat and crew handicap are:
• That anybody who sails in enough races is virtually guaranteed a place, rather than being rewarded for skill and effort.
• There is a danger (albeit slight in NRSC) of participants holding back to improve their handicap to win a particular trophy.
• The way it was carried out, frequently changing handicaps were confusing.
The boats in NRSC were not built purely with racing in mind. Their attraction lies in their flexibility, with enough room to stay on board for a week or two’s holiday, cruise offshore, carry a reliable engine, and have rigging and keel to suit local conditions. Nevertheless, many members also enjoy racing together, and in NRSC, we provide an annual race diary second to none! To encourage this, we use handicaps to make the racing competitive and fun for all.
Handicaps are set by the Handicaps Sub-committee – currently Nigel Wordingham (Sailing Secretary), Mark Collins (Commodore) and Jeff Harteveldt (Racing Results Officer). The Vice- Commodore would normally also be included, but the position is currently vacant. We meet to consider updated race data, club objectives and inclusion issues. The Sub-Committee’s work is never fully objective, especially for one-off boats, as conditions and crews vary greatly. This is particularly the case when entries are low.
We used to use the RYA's Portsmouth Yardstick numbers, then adjusted them based on our boats, experience and conditions. The Yardstick is no longer available for cruisers, so having used the NHC system for a few years, we now use historical club data.
Many of our racing boats are Pegasus 800s or 700s, but some are unique in the club. Our starting point is based on boat model and specifications - rig, keel type, folding or fixed propeller, engine and so on, as far as this can be evaluated. This means ostensibly identical boats will get the same handicap, and similar boats will have an adjustment, e.g., for outboard vs inboard engine. However, in the case of the Pegasus 800s, three that appear to be faster (two of which belong to the handicap committee!) have been given higher handicaps.
This results in a handicap number used to multiply the time the boat takes to complete the race in seconds (elapsed seconds) to determine corrected seconds, which are then used to work out the finish position. Numbers currently range from 0.8258 to 1.07 - higher means the boat is expected to be faster. In NRSC Quartet is the “scratch” boat with a handicap of 1.00 so in this case her elapsed and corrected seconds are the same.
The RYA has recently introduced a system for cruisers whereby each
yacht can apply for an individual Yacht Time Correction based on t
he boat and its specification. This is free, and if enough members
sign up, we could compare the YTC figures with those currently in
Please provide any feedback on the handicapping to the
Subcommittee. We aim to make racing as fair, competitive and fun
as possible for all members. We appreciate your input as we review
the system continuously. The latest handicaps and results are on
the website and will be updated periodically.
Please advise the Sailing Secretary, Nigel Wordingham, of any
errors or omissions. These handicaps are subject to review by the
Handicaps Sub-Committee.
This is a gentle reminder to all Club members about the importance of
health, safety and security at the Anchorage. I’m sorry to say that recently
we have had problems with members leaving the Anchorage insecure.
In particular, the rear gate has occasionally been left open, the
combination lock on the main door has been left with the entry code
showing on the barrel, and the gas supplies have not been properly
closed off either in the external gas locker or at the gas stove inside,
or both.
You can conveniently find a summary of our policies and practices on page 5 of this year’s Red Book, and there are additional details in the Health & Safety Policy available on the website and in hard copy inside the Anchorage.
If you need help with any aspect of the Anchorage and its use, please don’t hesitate to contact our Boatswain Malcolm Flatman, or either of our Coxswains, Chris Evans and Brian Gray, who will be pleased to help and advise you.
A very warm welcome to our new Crew Member, Simon Norman. Simon is from Reedham
and is an experienced and well-qualified sailor. He plans to take an active part in the
Club’s racing and cruising calendar.
Many thanks to Broads Authority Ranger Matt Larkman for snapping this picture, right,
of a kingfisher enjoying the view from our clubhouse.


Dear NRSC Members
There’s something for everyone in this month’s Newsletter, from racing results to moorings at Yarmouth, the trials and tribulations of diesel bug, and a message from our friendly Broads Ranger!
Warmest congratulations to James for creating an excellent little video illustrating our East Coast Cruise and loading it up on YouTube! It’s well worth watching just click here.
Did you know that, despite recent increases in tolls, the Broads is still one of the cheapest inland waterways on which to navigate? An 8x3 metre motorboat will cost £408 on the Broads, but my friend Duncan Holmes of the Broads Society has discovered that it would be 50% more on the Ely Ouse (£600), 90% more on the Canal and Rivers (£781), and over twice as much on the River Avon (£830)! Our tidal
Broads environment is so much more interesting and beautiful, which is why 7 million tourists flock here every year
All the very best,
Mark Collins,
On the weekend of 29th - 30th July the Yare Valley Sailing Club will hold an event on the Bure. I have agreed with the Commodore that, if there is room, he is welcome to use the moorings at the Anchorage, on the understanding that it is at their own risk.
Date Event Location Organiser
5 August Oby Thistle Anchorage Nigel W
6 August Emblem Trophy Anchorage Nigel W
12-20 August Southern Rivers Cruise Southern Rivers Michael S
30-31 August Founders Cup Wroxham Nigel W
At a Peel Ports Commercial and Leisure Users’ Group meeting on Monday, 10th July in Gt.Yarmouth. Tim Ellis of Norfolk County Council gave an update on the Herring Bridge project, which could be operational by the end of August. The pontoons on each side of the bridge, are almost complete. Coordination of the opening of the Breydon, Haven and Herring Bridges remains a matter for discussion between the Highways Authority (Breydon), Peel Ports (Haven) and Norfolk County Council (Herring). Breydon Bridge is due to become operational again in September/October 2023. Questions were asked as to why Gt. Yarmouth Borough Council has no pontoons at Hall Quay, and it was agreed to press for a representative to attend future User Group meetings.
During a Broads Authority trip to Breydon Water, I had an opportunity to inspect
the triangular remasting/demasting dolphin, The triangular dolphin (left) is unsuitable for a pontoon as it is very exposed to the weather on all sides. This is why it’s triangular, allowing a skipper to choose the best side under prevailing wind and tide. The large commercial berth for coasters on the south bank (which I will call the Blackheath berth after the coaster that formerly used it on passage to Norwich) could be adapted for remasting/demasting if a pontoon was added.
This would bring into use an expensive structure that is currently unused. A pontoon could take up only part of the berth as coasters would need it for sailing to the sugar factory at Cantley, should they ever decide to import sugar cane and use the factory all year - round. The prospect of coasters once again
visiting Norwich, however, seems remote, given the state of the bridges.
The idea has attracted some interest and is scheduled for the next Users Group Meeting, again hosted by Peel Ports. The Blackheath dock belongs to Highways England but lies in the Broads Authority Executive Area.
SUMMER REGATTA... by Jeff Harteveldt
On Saturday 1st July four boats took part in the Summer Regatta. The winds were strong with very strong gusts, making it difficult for helms and crew. With the westerly wind, the course was set to a mark down the Bure towards St Benet’s and then a short leg back to Boundary, returning to the Bure mark before heading back to the finish line at the Clubhouse.
With 2 starts of 2 boats, Tallulah took advantage of a slow start by Pegamoose who mistimed the start line, but got going again and gave chase. Simply the Best had a good start with Deja Vu about 10 seconds behind. After around 80 mins of racing, on handicap Simply the Best was 1st, Tallulah 2nd, Deja Vu 3rd and Pegamoose 4th.
The second race saw even stronger winds. Pegamoose decided the winds were too strong and DNS, Deja Vu decided to try a larger jib which could be advantageous on the long reach home. With only one start, Tallulah and Simply the Best got away quickly with Deja Vu playing catchup again. Around Boundary, all three boats were tacking together; strong squalls created problems with two boats coming together. Simply the Best withdrew from the race leaving Tallulah and Deja Vu to battle it out. The decision to have a large jib meant that Deja Vu managed to pull away on the homeward leg.
After handicaps were applied, Deja Vu just pipped Tallulah by 5 seconds.
Overall results were:
Pegamoose 4th
Simply the Best 3rd
Tallulah 2nd
Deja Vu 1st
My thanks go to Margaret and Pat for timekeeping and to Brian for helping with
the marks. Several folks stayed overnight at the Clubhouse and had a great BBQ
COMMODORE’S CUP 22nd July 2023... by Mark Collins
With a blustery south-westerly blowing 12 knots and gusts of 17, four boats took to the water from the Anchorage in two starts. Strega (Pioan Sue) and Simply The Best (Mark and Malcolm) left at 11:00 and Déjà Vu (Jeff and Mick) and Cho Cho San (Nigel and Sean) at 11.10. With the Commodore as OOD, advised by Peter C ashore, we elected for a running start upriver on an incoming tide,
past a mark at Boundary Dyke and on to the Pumphouse, back to Boundary, rounding to the Pumphouse again, then home.
Strega and Simply The Best came in with the best and second-best elapsed times at 1h 16 and 1h 18, with Déjà Vu at 1h19 and Cho Cho San at 1h22 , the order remaining the same after the application of handicaps.
The second group certainly had less favourable wind towards the end of the race. It was good to see Strega showing her petticoats after a long absence from the racing scene. She took off from the start, while Simply The Best overshot and crawled back to the line. But
Strega was overtaken by Simply The Best near Thurne Mouth. In a tussle from then on, Strega came back with a will, and although Simply The Best overtook her again, she fought her way back to the line through better seamanship.
The trickiest bit was the quick incoming tide and headwind in the last few hundred yards towards the Anchorage. The uncertain weather caused the postponement of the BBQ until after the Harvest Bowl on 9th September, but it allowed the earlier start to the race so that we avoided the afternoon downpours.
The Green Ranger was postponed to 10 th September, making it easier for stopovers after the postponed BBQ. Many thanks go to Peter C for Acting OOD, Margaret and Maggi L for timekeeping. Pat provided welcome refreshments and Jeff kindly helped with the marks. Not forgetting Mick for bringing his strimmer and keeping the snakes and bears at bay – good job!
Ever wondered how all those weirdly-shaped boat covers and cushions are made?
Jacqui at Creative Covers of Catfield has kindly agreed to host an event for us and to
explain how it’s all done.
Watch out for the 2024 NRSC programme – there will be lots of surprises for you ! Ed.
To satisfy directive EN590, reduce air pollution from exhausts and move towards carbon neutrality, bioethanol has been added to petrochemical fuels - up to 15% in petrol and up to 12% in diesel.
A red dye was added to untaxed off-road fuel for identification; it also had a high sulphur content, which acted as a biocide and lubricant in injector pumps and injectors. But red diesel is no longer available for boating , so marine engines now largely use road diesel with up to 12% bioethanol. How does this affect us?
Well, bioethanol is hygroscopic, meaning that it acts like a sponge, absorbing water. Also, the additive reduces the shelf life of the fuel to between six and twelve months, when solids start to form, the fuel becomes discoloured, and it fails to burn cleanly. Why is this a pro blem?
Say that your fuel tank is half full, and the air above the fuel, perhaps 10 litres of it , may contain up to 6% saturated water vapour. If the walls of the tank are cooled, the vapour condenses into water droplets. These agglomerate into drops large enough to fall into the diesel, where they collect in the bottom of the tank, heavier than the fuel . Bear in mind that this is also occurring in the fuel station storage tank, and you might have be en served with dirty fuel!
The lack of sulphur and the addition of ethanol encourages a bacterial sludge to develop, the dreaded ‘diesel bug’. This sludge will eventually block filters. So, now we have two problems, water and sludge!
Changing filters every year will ameliorate the blockage issue, but some sludge residue will form and settle in the bottom of the tank and sit happily below the fuel intake tube, which is not much of an issue on the Broads for a few years. Biocides such as “Marine 16” will reduce the problem, but not completely. Fuel filters will also remove any water held in the fuel line, which will be drained down when the filter is removed.
Unfortunately, we are not allowed a clear filter bowl on the Broads, so we can’t see any water that might be there, but we can drain the filter and check. Some of the water will sit under the fuel in the tank. Again, not generally a problem on the Broads. Some tanks have a drain tap at the lowest level for the purpose of draining off these condensates.
However, take your boat to sea, and the wave movement will agitate sludge and water and may cause it to be drawn into the fuel system. The sludge may partially block the feed pipes and reduce flow, the engine loses power, or at worst , blocks the pipe, and the engine stops!
All issues we had on the East Coast Cruise. On the failed engine, it was necessary to change the primary filter and blow out the fuel line; not an easy task! This tank now requires draining down and a professional cleaning to get rid of all the residue.
To avoid having these issues there are a few things we can do:
1. Keep your fuel tank full to reduce air - to - fuel contact . This reduces the formation of sludge and water droplets. Top up after every journey.
2. Alternatively, use all the fuel in the tank within six months, and keep it fresh. It may mean only having what you need for the journey.
3. Use a biocide additive such as Marine 16, which the RNLI uses.
4. Drain water from below the filter bowl regularly.
5. Importantly, change filters every year, or less, especially before going to sea!
6. Every few years, drain and clean out the fuel tank.
BROADS RANGER ON Matt Larkman, Broads Authority
Matt Larkman is the Broads Authority Ranger for the Lower Bure and Thurne and can often be seen patrolling our part of the river. Here he talks about his life and duties on the water.
The average day for a Ranger on the patrol launch involves a great deal of water safety advice and management. I'm always looking to assist and advise people new to boating. I might have to help people mooring when it's blowing a good lee or windward shore at Acle Bridge, springing boats off on occasions.
Health and safety is a big part of the role, and we conduct Super Safety Days across the B roads. These are large-scale education and enforcement events reaching out to everyone on the water.
Radar speed checks are done around our area at least four times a week, usually daily. St Benet’s, Stokesby and Potter Heigham are the hotspots. Ongoing licence compliance checks for tolls are also a large part of the role.
I work in a team of five for the season. The Ranger launches are out seven days a week during this time. We patrol as far down the Bure as Mautby Mill, and right upstream in the Thurne. This is an important area for sailing boats, and I often see the Northern Rivers Sailing Club yachts enjoying a cruise or a race.
They always give me a wave, and I enjoy the camaraderie. It’s clear to me that skippers on yachts have a close relationship with the river and know how to handle the wind and tide, which can be tricky at times.
I really enjoy patrolling around Hickling and Martham as it's an excellent area for wildlife. We sometimes have days when we undertake surveys on the wildlife around the Northern Broads. I've seen several Cranes and Avocets so far this season. The reed beds are full of warblers and nesting Marsh Harriers too. Otters are always exciting to see and are often around Upton and outside our billet at Womack Dyke.
Access for ramblers is important to the Authority, and sometimes you will find me cutting permissive Broads footpaths to keep them clear. I lead guided Ranger walks once a month from May to September. We have some superb wildlife sites and it’s good to get some physical activity during the week. Overall, it's quite a varied role, and as someone with a passion for wildlife and the outdoors, it is an excellent job for me.
If you ever need to contact the Broads rangers to report an incident, you can phone Broads Control on 01603 756 056 or email
Broads Control is staffed between the hours of 9am and 6pm during summer, and 9am and 5pm during winter. Please always
phone 999 in an emergency.
BROADS GUIDEBOOKS... byDavid Edlestone, Broads Society
These recently published guides by Joe Jackson, are divided into chapters
covering a village or town on the Broads, with a map, numerous colour
photographs and guiding text highlighting features of interest. All the
walks range from 1 to 6 miles and start and finish at either a car park or
a Broads mooring, so are helpful whether you are travelling by boat, car
or public transport.
The Northern Broads edition includes maps and directions for over 50
walking routes in and around 26 towns and villages including Wroxham,
Potter Heigham, Ludham and Ranworth.
The Southern Broads edition has over 40 walking routes in and around 21 towns and villages including Beccles, Reedham, Norwich and Oulton Broad. Each edition provides details of moorings, parking, pubs, restaurants, cafes and other points of interest.
The books are paperback with the Northern edition having 206 pages and the Southern edition 160 pages. The books are well laid out with directions for each walk that are easy to use and are excellent guides for anyone wishing to explore the Broads on foot. ISBN 978 -1- 7393458 -1-5 (North), ISBN 987-1-7393458-0- 8 (South).
Navionics, now a Garmin brand, is the pioneering Italian company that brought the world’s first digital marine electronic chart to market in 1984. Navionics UK transitioned to become Navimaps Ltd when Garmin BlueCharts were added to the product range enabling them to offer full support to both brands of leading digital marine cartography.
Navimaps of Plymouth supply and support the full range of Navionics and Garmin marine charts. Call 01752 258 726

Dear NRSC Members
I do hope you’re all enjoying the warm weather and planning to participate in the rest of this season’s events. With two of our three cruises successfully completed, it will soon be time to turn our thoughts to the wide-open spaces of the Southern Rivers. Michael Sparrow is busy studying the tides, and we’re hoping for a good mix of yachts and motorboats to join us, 12–20 August.
Meanwhile, July sees the Summer Regatta this coming weekend and the ever-popular Commodore’s Cup and Green Ranger Trophy, 15-16 July. Marquee, bbq... not to be missed!
Sadly, we have said farewell to another long-term member, Jane Mitchell, and our condolences go out to all her family, who have invited members to a memorial lunch on 29th July (see below). We must look to the future and keep our membership numbers up. This means recruiting newcomers to the Broads, so do please chat with your neighbours in the various marinas that you frequent, and extol the virtues of NRSC’s fantastic clubhouse, membership and programme of events.
All the very best
Mark Collins,
Date Event Location Organiser
01-02 July Summer Regatta Anchorage Jeff Harteveldt
& Novice Cup
15 July Commodore’s Cup Anchorage Mark Collins
16 July Green Ranger Trophy Anchorage Peter Coleman
REMEMBERING OUR MEMBERS Dr Jane Mitchell 20th August 1929 – 24th May 2023
We were very sorry indeed to hear from David Mitchell that his mother, Jane died peacefully after a short stay at Heron Lodge in Wroxham. Jane, a long-term Club member , was awarded Honorary Membership just last year.
For many of us, she is best remembered for her afternoon teas, to which she generously
invited everyone following the Spring Trophy held at Barton Broad. Jane’s home, ‘Kingfishers’ at Barton Turf, has its own mooring, and it was a delight to enjoy sandwiches and cake with Jane and her friends on the lawn next to the dyke.
All members of NRSC are invited to lunch and a celebration of Jane’s life, which will be held
at The New Victory Hall, Neatishead, NR12 8XG, on Saturday 29th July from 1.00 pm.
To assist with planning, please let David know if you will attend. There will be an opportunity to contribute with a few words or memories. Donations will go to the RNLI in Jane’s memory, and can be made at
Contact email: Telephone: 0797 6752154
If anyone is interested in some winter moorings, they will become available at Horning Sailing Club this coming winter. To express an interest, contact the Club Secretary, Mrs Anne Wagstaff, on 01692 630 395.
Don’t forget to order your club clothing from dd Health & Safety Supplies! It’s very good quality and moderately priced with an excellently-embroidered Club logo. As well as sailing caps, they also have bump caps – highly recommended to protect you from the boom in windy conditions.
dd Health & Safety Supplies Ltd, Unit 2 Kingsway, Norwich NR2 4UE. Telephone: 01603 62891. We are assured of personal service from the manager, Dave Eaglen
NRSC EAST COAST CRUISE by Mark Collins & Nigel Wordingham
This year’s East Coast Cruise was a great success, with seven boats taking part in a voyage planned by John Blackburne. Saturday 4th June saw St Helen, Strega, Cho Cho San, Caballero, Simply the Best and Déjà Vu demasting at the Anchorage and heading downriver, to be joined in Lowestoft by New Horizons the following day. The late morning departure to catch the low tide threatened to clash with the Three Rivers Race, but we were past their final mark at Stokesby in good time and, in the event, most competitors chose the Thurne for their opening gambit.
Having been warned by RNSYC of unpleasant sea conditions at the entrance to Lowestoft Harbour, the decision was taken to travel across Breydon Water and spend the night in the vicinity of Oulton Broad for a passage through Mutford Lock the following afternoon.
After remasting, some dined at the splendid Hatfield Hotel and the rest at the RNSYC, where we all spent the night. The next morning, we headed down to Suffolk Yacht Harbour on the Orwell, with a good north-easterly breeze. The wind direction and rather “disorganised” waves saw us relying on genoas rather than mainsails to avoid gybes, but nonetheless, with a strong tide behind us, we all got there in record time.
We spent two nights at SYH, meeting up with previous members Bob & Ann Gant . The lightship being closed, we got our steps up with an excellent walk to The Ship at Levington. We also had a good sail on the River Stour, passing the Antarctic exploration ship MV Sir
David Attenborough. We practisedpicking up buoys at Wrabness Po int , some (notably Cho Cho San) needing more attempts than others. Two warm , sunny days at Woolverstone ensued . The restaurant was closed after a fire, but we enjoyed a pilgrimage through the woods to Pin Mill’s Butt and Oyster.
Friday saw us sightseeing on the Orwell before mooring up at Ipswich, where Simply the Best developed a fuel blockage, skilfully sorted out by John and Pio. These sea journeys are notorious for shaking up fuel sediment , and it’s always a good idea to change the filter before leaving! Caballero, above left, showed us how to be prepared.
We said goodbye to New Horizons, who returned safely to Lowestoft, welcomed some new crew members coming in by car and train, visited the local supermarket for supplies, and planned the second week’s adventures. On Saturday evening , we enjoyed the Chinese
buffet restaurant, which had just reopened.
Brightlingsea was Sunday's destination, at the mouth of the River Colne. We received a warm welcome into the harbour – much better than being out on the trots and having to rely on water taxis. Also, 5- tar bathrooms! We explored this lovely little town, which boasts an excellent chip shop, chandler and sailing club.
We were soon off again, to Bradwell Marina on the River Blackwater, where former pirate ship Radio Caroline, aka MV Ross Revenge is
moored mid-river. Radio Caroline North still broadcasts at weekends and a group of enthusiasts keeps her going. On our second
day at Bradwell John led us on a trip to Osea Island where we practiced anchoring in rather choppy waters for lunch amongst the lovely scenery. In the evenings we discovered the Green Man pub only a few minutes’ walk from the marina.
Wednesday 14th saw us back at our old haunts in Shotley and a welcome meal at The Shipwreck , praying for a change of wind
direction for our trip back up the coast. But no such luck - the north - easterly was stubbornly on the nose the whole day once we left the
harbour. Luckily, we again benefitted from a healthy tide, but we had to motor all the way to Great
Yarmouth for demasting.
Strega showed us how to tackle the waves! At Yarmouth, the tide was just turning in our favour for the passage up the Bure to the Anchorage. It was good to be home after a long and tiring day, but we all agreed it was a great trip in good company and
well - planned by John, with special thanks to Jeff for getting newcomers up to speed with Navionics (and his magic tricks!) , Pio for his engineering skills and everyone for great social events and teamwork.
In 2007 David Reeve contributed articles to “Skylarks and Scuttlebutts: a Treasure Trove of Nautical Knowledge”, a lovely little book published by Granta. Some of them he can now share with us in the NRSC Newsletter. Here is the fourth in the series.
Weston Martyr is credited with sparking the creation of the Fastnet Race by writing a letter to a yachting magazine in 1924 after competing in the Bermuda race aboard Northern Light. He wrote: “It is without question the finest sport a man can possibly engage in for to play this game at all it is necessary to possess, in the very highest degree, those hallmarks of a true sportsman: skill, courage and endurance.”
As a result of his enthusiasm, the first Fastnet race started on 15 August 1925 with seven yachts. They were to round the Isle of Wight, the Scillies and the Fastnet Rock, a total of 535 nautical miles. The first winner was 56-foot gaff-rigged pilot cutter Jolie Brise in six days, 14 hours, 45 minutes. This classic boat, built in Le Havre in 1913, is still sailing today and won the 2000 Tall Ships Race overall.
The biggest ever Fastnet fleet of 303 yachts in 1979 was caught in a vicious storm that resulted in 17 deaths. Improved safety regulations were introduced thereafter, and the legendary race has gone from strength to strength as a biennial event.
The Norfolk Broads and Weston Martyr
In the 1950s Weston Martyr, against his better judgement, was tempted by the prospect of unlimited Navy rum, pre-war gin and Suffolk cured ham to join two friends on a Broads cruise on the 35-foot yacht Perfect Lady.
Being an experienced ocean sailor, he regarded the prospect of Broads sailing as ‘pure hell’ and something that would ruin his standing with his friends at the Royal Ocean Racing Club. But after many marine disasters and humiliations, he had to admit that he had met his match. In a three-hour beat to windward along a 50-foot-wide river they tacked every nine seconds, or well over 1,000 times to progress three miles. “If the Bermuda or Fastnet courses can provide any tougher job than that, I’m glad to have missed it,” he said.
On his return to the Royal Ocean Racing Club he declared: “I’ve just come back from the toughest cruise I ever made in my life. I’ve been sailing on the Broads. And now I’ll be grateful if any of you men will ship me for the next ocean race because, after my week on the Broads, I need some soft, easy sailing and a nice quiet rest. ”
It’s a little - known fact that the Medusa Channel out of Harwich is
named after HMS Medusa , a ship skippered by Lord Nelson. Launched
in 1801, she was a 32-gun frigate that served in the Napoleonic wars and
captured several enemy ships before being decommissioned in 1813
and sent for other duties.
HMS Medusa was in Harwich harbour when unfavourable weather
conditions prevented her from getting out to sea. Determined to depart,
Nelson persuaded a local marine surveyor to pilot the Medusa along a
previously uncharted course to the south of the harbour entrance,
subsequently known as the Medusa Channel.
This was the course planned for the NRSC East Coast cruise flotilla,
albeit in more helpful weather conditions. The story of our journey was
picked up by the Eastern Daily Press and headlined with a picture of Strega
on the front page!
Practical Boat Owner has also picked up the story so look out for it in the
September edition of the magazine.
I recently had the pleasure of a day on the Orwell with my great friend Tony Osler, a well-known watercolourist and lifelong sailor . Tony moors his motor yacht 'Selene ’, a very pretty Fisher 25, at Suffolk Yacht Harbour.
As we donned our lifejackets and set off towards Felixstowe on a slack tide, I asked Tony how he became interested in sailing. “ My first boat was a canoe that I built as a boy of 16 , and I’ve had sailing boats ever since. Before my dear wife passed away a few years ago, we had many adventures together , all around the south coast and across to the continent too. I still love being out on
the water, and this year I’m planning a trip to the Isle of Wight.”
Born in Ipswich and trained at Cirencester Royal Agricultural College, Tony had a short career in estate management before switching to the probation service. “I loved the job and was privileged to help many people find a path through life. One of my two daughters has followed me into the profession, ” he said.
After more than 20 years in the service , Tony became a full-time artist. It was a bold move, but he has never looked back. His watercolours are instantly recognisable, depicting as they do the atmosphere of the East Coast maritime scene with its pastel shades, open skies and the erosive power of the sea on the soft and yielding landscape.
Tony captures evocative images of human endeavour amid nature ’s bleak grandeur, with impressions of boats of all kinds, often in swirling mist, storms, or on exposed mudflats.
Tony exhibits at galleries in East Anglia and Kent , as well as with the East Anglian Group of Marine Artists and the Society of East
Anglian Watercolourists. His book about the skipper of an old sailing barge, 'Whe're yer for' can be obtained on Amazon, and he has another in the pipeline. He’s a very talented man! Thank you, Tony, It was a lovely, memorable day. See more of Tony’s paintings here.
Ratty never tires of seeing our best-known wetland butterfly, the British Swallowtail, flying strongly across the river in
joyous colours, but a number of lesser-known moths also enjoy the waterlogged soils and fen vegetation, and some of them can be very rare.
Common reed, sedges, Milk-parsley and Water dock, sometimes nestling under buckthorn, alder, sallow and other denizens of carr woodland, can be home to a range of wetland moths.
They are overlooked by many of us, but characteristic wetland species are blessed with names that are far from retiring. They include the Marsh Carpet Moth , Reed Leopard, Fenn's Wainscot, White -mantled Wainscot, Flame Wainscot, and Reed Dagger.
The Marsh Carpet Moth (above left, photo credit: Brian Jones) is extremely rare in Norfolk and most likely to be found along the valleys of the Yare & Wensum and the Norfolk/Suffolk border.
The Reed Leopard (above centre, photo credit: Ilia UIstyantsev) is only found very locally, but that can’t be due to a lack of food as its caterpillars feed on CommonReed.
Another lover of Common Reed is the Reed Dagger (above right, photo credit: Mark Skevington).


Dear NRSC Members
Our congratulations go to King Charles III and Queen Camilla on their May coronation, an event that made the nation proud.
Our condolences go out to the families of John Bain and John Roper, two members who have been with us since the club was founded, but
sadly passed away recently. Happy memories of their contributions to the Club have been recorded in this Newsletter.
As I write, seven boats are being prepared for the East Coast Cruise, led this year by John Blackburne. There is so much to do, but the weather so far looks good, with north easterlies to speed us on our way. We depart on Saturday, 3rd June and expect to remast in Yarmouth late in the afternoon to catch the tide for a brisk passage to Lowestoft RNSYC for the night.
The passage through Great Yarmouth has been a concern and on 22nd May I attended a users’ meeting with Peel Ports, who manage the site overall. I discovered that Town Hall Quay, where some of us tie up to dismast or remast, is owned and managed by GY Borough Council, and I have asked for a risk assessment for the quay, with a view to identifying possible improvements to the facilities there.
The new Herring Bridge, whose construction is managed by Norfolk County Council, had been held up by the discovery and removal of a
WWII bomb but is now proceeding well. The bridge is raised at present and will eventually have pontoons on either side of the knuckles, each just 50m long. There remains uncertainty about the coordinated opening of the Herring, Haven and Breydon bridges, but this is being tackled.
All the very best
Mark Collins,
Date Event Location Organiser
02-16 June East Coast Cruise Anchorage John Blackburne
24 June Family Fun & Picnic Anchorage Mark Collins, Brian Gray
01-02 July Summer Regatta Anchorage Jeff Harteveldt
& Novice Cup
REMEMBERING OUR MEMBERS: John Bain by Mike Edwards
John Bain, who died on 29th April, was a founder member who set up the club in 1987
with six other boat owners. For many years he was an active and successful competitor
at Club events and much involved in establishing the club premises at The Anchorage.
He gifted the Oby Thistle, Emblem Trophy and the Bell, and proudly claimed to have had
the inspiration for the Pegasus Emblem, which the club still uses.
John sailed Blue Angel, a 700, which he moored in pride of place at the head of Oby
Dyke, complete with his own decking and mooring arrangements. He was a good
sailor, frequently single-handed and adept at nosing into the reeds to set up his sails
before taking on the fleet.
A doughty Scotsman, John had a dry wit; he was always friendly, helpful and good fun
to have around. He was an excellent, worthy, and committed club member.
From Chris Evans
I first met John sailing his Pegasus 700, Red Arrow, in the Thurne area around 1985.
He introduced me to Ian Handy and Roy and Maureen Carpenter, who would come up
to their boat, Ragtrade, on alternate weekends. We would often meet up on a Sunday
afternoon at St Benet’s or one of the broads, and have a friendly race back, usually
instigated by John.
I enrolled in RYA evening classes at Thorpe St Andrew school, and who should be there
but John! We had lots of laughs with our classmates in the local pub, going through our
homework. John’s nemesis was interpolating tidal streams, particularly around the
Isle of Wight.
After meeting up with the other founding members and forming NRSC, John roped me
into putting up the racing start line mast, on a cold spring day, at the end of Oby Dyke.
We kept in touch, and I crewed for him a couple of times. In 2002 John encouraged me
to join the racing fleet, found me a Pegasus 700 in Horning and a mooring in Oby Dyke -
how could I say no! I was then back racing against him, only this time, he was taking it a
bit more seriously. But then, perhaps he always was!
NRSC sends its sincere condolences to John’s son David, and to all other friends and family of one of our founders. Today, thanks to his vision and foresight, we all enjoy a thriving and progressive Club. Ed.
Remembering John Roper by Mike Powell
John Roper, who passed away on 22nd April 2023, was one of the original small group of owners that formed the Club in 1987, based on the Pegasus sailing cruisers. Shortly after purchasing a 700, Calluna, John taught his wife Pauline to sail and she has many happy memories of sailing the Norfolk Broads with him, enjoying cruises and social gatherings; days that were light-hearted, full of fun and companionship.
John enjoyed both competitive sailing and the annual voyages down the coast towards Harwich when he was crewed by another long-term member, Chris Pointer. Pauline preferred to stay on dry land, perhaps remembering the time when she fell off the boat, becoming entangled with the mainsail but hauled safely back onboard by an alert John. He continued to join in Club activities after the sale of Calluna and gladly offered his services as crew - having John onboard was regarded as a definite plus.
John served as a conscientious and reliable Secretary for many years and was elected to the post of Vice Commodore, where his experience and guidance were greatly valued. He spent the last months of his life in the Manor House Care Home in Blofield, where Pauline could visit every day and was satisfied that he was comfortable and well cared for.
John will be remembered as a kind and generous, gladly giving advice and help to all. All NRSC members will greatly miss him, and we offer our condolences and kindest thoughts to Pauline.
SKYLARKS AND SCUTTLEBUTTS: The Poisonous Weever Fish by David Reeve
In 2007 David Reeve contributed articles to “Skylarks and Scuttlebutts: a Treasure Trove of Nautical Knowledge”, a lovely little book published by Granta. Some of them he can now share with us in the NRSC Newsletter. Here is the third in the series….
The Lesser Weever fish (Echiichthys vipera), which causes an excruciating wound from
poisonous barbs on its back, is increasing in population around the British coast.
According to experts, people can die if they go into anaphylactic shock after being stung
by a weever fish, so they should take precautions and not paddle barefoot.
The lesser weever, which grows to about 15cm, lives on shrimps and comes inshore to feed during summer. It lies buried in wet sand at low tide or in shallow water and, when disturbed, erects its black dorsal fin with venomous spines.
The pain is most intense during the first two hours, when the foot goes red, swells up, and then feels numb until the following day. The pain and irritation may last for up to two weeks.
The most effective treatment is to put the affected limb in water as hot as the victim can bear, without causing scalding, for at least 30 minutes. In tests, the venom, a type of protein, breaks down above 40°C. This should bring swift and permanent relief.
29th April at the Anchorage; bright sunshine with very light wind in the morning, light in the afternoon, and air temperature fairly cool. Wind varied E to S “normal for Norfolk”.
1st Déjà Vu; helm: Jeff H crew: Mick B
2nd Nemesis; helm: Tom P guest crew: Liz R
3rd Simply the Best; helm: Mark C crew: James B
Other boats racing: Tallulah, Zig Zag, Pegamoose II
This being the season's first race, boats were restricted to two fleets starting at 11:00.
The course was set upriver to the Oby buoy followed by Acle, Upton and Acle. There were particularly close encounters between Nemesis and Déjà Vu, including a 720 and a meeting with the bank, with Nemesis finally winning by a minute.
Tallulah and Simply the Best finished only 38 seconds apart. Zig Zag and Pegamoose took over 1h 20m to get back to the clubhouse, so the course was shortened, allowing members to enjoy a pleasant lunch in the sun on the lawn. This included a crash
course in the use of the defibrillator by Jeff.
For the second race at 14:00, the wind was more in evidence. This time the start was downriver to the Acle buoy, then up to the Upton buoy and back to be repeated up to three times, giving the spectators a grandstand view of the racing. This time there was no need to shorten the course with Zig Zag again claiming line honours after a bit over 1h 15m. On handicap, Déjà Vu triumphed over Nemesis by a minute. And in the next fleet, it was Simply the Best’s turn to beat Tallulah.
Unusually in total points, not only did Nemesis and Déjà Vu tie for first and second, but Simply the Best and Tallulah tied for third and fourth. On the tiebreaker rule of who does best in the last race, Déjà Vu came first and Simply the Best came third.
Thanks go to the trusty timekeepers John T and Martin S, to Jeff and Brian for laying and recovering the buoys, Brian for subduing the grass and care of the Anchorage, Julia for bringing goodies and Pat and others for helping with the kitchen.
It was great to see so many non-racing members meeting up for a chat and obviously enjoying themselves.
Saturday 20th May 2023, at the Anchorage and Sunday, 21st May at Boundary Dyke (three of four races to count). The weather was sunny, but the air was cool on Saturday. Sunday was cloudy to start with but some sun later. Wind N/NE, 10-12, gusting 20.
1st Cho Cho San; helm Nigel W crew Sean W &Nittaya Y
2nd Simply the Best; helm Mark C crew Malcolm F
3rd Tallulah; helm Brian G crew:Chris E
Other boats racing: Déjà Vu, Zig Zag and My Weigh
The first race on Saturday at 11.00 was a short course using the Upton
and Acle buoys with three laps. Tallulah and Simply the Best started
together and finished first and second, respectively, after a close race,
with both boats checking into the reeds after severe broaches that were
a feature of the gusty day.
Cho Cho San stayed close to Déjà Vu initially but faded in the end and
came fourth to Déjà Vu’s third. Zig Zag was forced to retire with gear
With Acle Regatta’s river cruisers looming for the second race, a course was set to Oby and Acle with a smaller loop to Upton. The
wind picked up, and some longer tacks were possible, favouring Cho Cho San, whose new genoa helped her pull clear of Déjà Vu to win
with Tallulah in second place and Simply the Best third.
My Weigh made a welcome return helmed by David R with Pat B stepping in as crew whilst John R took his ease below and enjoyed the action.
In view of the Acle Regatta, the start moved to Boundary Dyke on Sunday with a two-round course a little way up the Bure from Thurne Mouth then down to Oby. But the Acle fleet again enlivened our racing - they had concentrated on the area near the Anchorage on Saturday, then chose Sunday to pilgrimage to St Benet’s Abbey! In race three at 10.30, the winds were lighter and Déjà Vu got well ahead but lost out on the final leg back from Oby and was less than 30 seconds ahead of Simply the Best before handicap.
On handicap, Simply the Best won comfortably, with Cho Cho San just second. Mindful of the Acle fleet, race four was moved to 13.00. The wind freshened, and whilst Déjà Vu flourished on the reaches and runs, Cho Cho San came into her own on the tack back from
Oby, going almost straight up the river for long stretches. Déjà Vu was forced to make one final tack to cross the finishing line, allowing Cho Cho San to slide past to leeward and gain line honours by a matter of feet. Simply the Best had shed a split ring on the mainsheet fitting was severely delayed and missed out on the silverware.
Thanks to Colin and Annette G for timekeeping, helped by Pat B and Margaret H, and to all helms for moving the buoys around. No good deed goes unpunished: Amethyst fouled a start line mark at the end and was towed to Boundary Dyke by Simply the Best for some wild swimming by Mick, but all ended well.
Monday evening, 8th May, saw the fleet, comprising Mim and Tom on Owl, Judy and Bob on
Wagtail, Alison and her dog, Florence, aboard Tranquility, and Tracey and Martin on Breeze,
assemble at the Anchorage ready for the Northern Rivers Cruise. A nice chat and a glass or
two were enjoyed in the clubhouse in the evening.
On Tuesday morning, Tracey and Martin departed for Upton for a small repair, before
sailing onto Potter Heigham for lunch. It was a pleasant beat with good wind, but the
afternoon brought a terrific thunderstorm and torrential rain, the wind dropped, and we
were forced to motor back to the Anchorage. The others took motorboats to Stokesby for
lunch, and we met up in the evening, enjoying a chat in the clubhouse again.
On Wednesday morning we all moved off to South Walsham. A useful wind saw us arriving
early afternoon in glorious sunshine. It was Mim’s birthday, which called for cake on the
bankside where we sang Happy Birthday. James and his friend Steve sailed down from
Stalham on Dayspring, arriving just in time for the celebrations.
Unfortunately, at about 17.00, the heavens opened again, and we were forced to retreat to
our boats out of the rain and thunder.
Thursday morning brought us lovely sunshine and we had a sail on South Walsham Broad
before heading off to Salhouse. James and Steve had to depart for home, via the Maltsters
at Ranworth for a pub lunch, so we said goodbye. From South Walsham the fleet headed to
Horning in hot sun and a welcome wind. We decided not to continue to Wroxham and as we
left Horning dark, ominous clouds gathered and it rained heavily all the way to Salhouse,
where we moored up and ordered fish and chips for our evening meal.
After a chat with everyone on Friday morning, it was decided to call it a day as the weather
was cold and raining again. After farewells, we all departed for home, returning in the evening
to meet up at the Kings Arms in Ludham for an evening meal and a catch-up about the week’s
events. It was a lovely cruise, but unfortunately, the weather defeated us in the end.
Thanks to all for coming along!
On 12.01.22, two men died on the sports cruiser, Emma Louise, berthed on the River Hamble. They boarded the boat the previous evening and left the engine running while they sat in the covered cockpit. The MAIB investigation said the boat’s exhaust gas, which contained carbon monoxide (CO), had been funnelled into the cockpit by an inflatable suspended from Emma Louise's transom.
The CO rendered both men unconscious and caused their deaths. They were not alerted to the danger because a carbon monoxide alarm had not been fitted. An alarm is now mandatory under the Boat Safety Scheme.
NEWS FROM THE HANDICAPS SUB-COMMITTEE Under Rule 3.5, the Handicaps Sub-Committee comprises the Sailing Secretary, Commodore and Vice- Commodore (currently vacant). The Sub-Committee will meet up after the East Coast Cruise to examine how we can best use the handicap system to increase interest from novices while at the same time rewarding the most skilled.
We must diversify our approach to racing and consider how we might help those sailing in company who wish to transition to racing. The Sub-Committee intends to co-opt a few members to assist in the discussion.
CLUB CLOTHING Don’t forget to order your club clothing from dd Health & Safety Supplies!
It’s good quality and moderately priced with an excellently-embroidered Club logo.
dd Health & Safety Supplies Ltd, Unit 2 Kingsway, Norwich NR2 4UE. Telephone: 01603 628891.
We are assured of personal service from the manager, Dave Eaglen. Email:
Ratty is worried that, according to an article in The Guardian, the River Yare is one of England’s top ten rivers for persistent chemical cocktails that are highly toxic to wildlife, including amphibians, fish, insects, nitrogen-fixing bacteria and algae.
The adverse effects on these creatures include stunted growth, reduced cell function and lower survival rates. Some campaigners also fear they may have negative effects on human health, but this has not been proved.
A mix of six of these “forever chemicals” that don’t break down is to blame. One familiar chemical is Ibuprofen, a freely available medicine used by many of us without a second thought, but once it passes through us or we wash it off, it stays in the environment. Perhaps we should think about using it only sparingly. The government is expected to publish a new chemicals strategy this year, but campaigners say that the mix of chemicals into lethal cocktails is being overlooked.

Dear NRSC Members
This coming Saturday sees our first regatta, the Spring Trophy at the Anchorage. Do enter the races or come along and watch with
friends. The first race is at 11:00 and the second at 14:00.
Since the Club was formed in 1987, quite a lot of water has flowed under Acle Bridge, and we are beginning to develop our own history. Some of this has been hidden away in a growing pile of boxes that get handed down to successive Commodores year after year, gathering more dust than interest! But this is about to change as Club Member Glyn Williams has kindly agreed to make a start at sorting out our “archives”. The first objective is to assemble a complete Red Book run. As things stand, we don’t yet know whether we have a full set, so don’t clear out your old copies just yet!
Those who attended the successful Fitting Out Lunch in Thurne would already know that we have a new arrangement for buying
clothes with the Club’s embroidered logo displayed on them. Our provider is dd Health & Safety Supplies in Norwich. They have
a huge selection, and a visit to their shop is worthwhile if you are in town. You can also choose from a list of fifteen items specially
selected for our members, and order by phone or email. These items are excellent quality, reasonably priced and make great presents, so please take a look.
All the very best
Mark Collins,
29 April Spring Trophy Anchorage
8/9 - 13 May Northern Rivers Cruise Bure, Thurne
20 -21 May Inaugural Salver Anchorage
02-16 June East Coast Cruise Rendezvous Anchorage
NRSC is run by its members for its members and prides itself on being friendly and inviting. We welcome new members and aim to provide them with a programme that promotes diversity, equality and inclusion, and ensures health, safety and welfare for all.
Committing to boating can be a big step, and we want people to come along and try it out, but we need to consider the health, safety and welfare of our visitors as well as our members, and we must exercise a duty of care in a sport that can, at times, be hazardous or
dangerous, particularly for people who lack experience or training.
The NRSC Committee discussed this at its last meeting, and we aim to update the Club Rules and bring a full Visitors Policy to the Club at the next AGM. Meanwhile, we have decided on a few elements to be getting on with.
Non-boating visitors at the Anchorage
Visitors are free to attend NRSC social, boating and working events at the Anchorage or elsewhere at their own risk and in the company of a member. Hosts must ask all visitors to sign the Visitors Book, which is in a prominent position in the Anchorage. While at the Anchorage, members and non-members alike must comply with the Club’s Health and Safety at the Anchorage advice as published in the Red Book, displayed on the Anchorage Notice Board.
Boating visitors
Non-members may moor at the Anchorage with their host but may not formally join programmed Club boating events in their own boats. Programmed Club events are those advertised in the Red Book , even if the date has changed, or communicated after publication (as for Sailing in Company). Events agreed by the Committee and communicated to the Club by email or other means after the Red Book is published are deemed to be programmed.
Visitors may join a member’s boat at a programmed Club boating event at the invitation of a Full or Life Member. They must be registered by their host with the Membership Secretary, copied to the Sailing Secretary, stating their name, the event to be attended, and its date. This should preferably be done by email. Their visitor is thereby deemed to be enrolled as a Temporary Member, and to have indemnified the Club against any liability claim.
Temporary Members may join no more than two programmed boating events as helm or crew in any one season without charge, beyond which participation they will be asked to apply as a Full or Associate (i.e. Crew or Junior) Member, in the normal way.
A visitor may join part or all of only one of the Club’s Northern Rivers, Southern Rivers or East Coast cruises per year as a Temporary Member in a Full Member’s boat, on payment of a sum to be decided annually by the Committee. The request this year is £10.00 and will apply to all cruises. The cruise organiser or host skipper must register their guest with the Membership Secretary and Sailing Secretary by email before the cruise begins. Please note that the riverbank upstream of the Anchorage does not belong to the Club and
is used entirely at your own risk.
The Broads Authority has received a capital grant of over £1M from DEFRA for equipment to maintain the landscape and biodiversity of the Broads, all of which is likely to be of considerable help to the
navigation too. The impressive list of new kit includes two excavators, a Berky water plant harvester (bringing the fleet up to three), a barge and various power tools. Entirely new items such as a tractor with a front-loader and an amphibious “aqua tractor” with cutting heads, rake and mud-pump open new opportunities for maintaining the Broads landscape.
For members interested to know what maintenance is planned, below are tables showing dredging, mooring work and water plant cutting. The water plant harvester is now in the Upper Thurne, starting in the Martham-Somerton area. Cutting in the marked channel in Hickling Broad will start in late May. Also, new gauge boards have been set in Gt Yarmouth.
In 2007 David Reeve contributed articles to “Skylarks and Scuttlebutts: a Treasure Trove of Nautical Knowledge”, a lovely little book published by Granta. Some of them he can now share with us in the NRSC Newsletter. Here is the second in the series...
Anson’s scurvy-blighted voyage
Commodore George Anson’s round-the-world voyage of 1740-44 was blighted
by scurvy and starvation, killing almost 1,400 of the 1,900 sailors who had set
out from Spithead in six men-of-war.
The symptoms of scurvy are almost too ghastly to repeat, but Anson lists them
as follows: large, discoloured spots over the whole body, swollen legs, putrid
gums, an extraordinary lassitude, strange dejection of spirits, dreadful terrors,
putrid fevers, pleurisies, jaundice, violent rheumatic pains, healed wounds
re-opening and necrotised flesh.
Dr James Lind of Haslar Hospital hit on the solution in the 1740s (though too
late for Anson’s crew): more fresh food, preferably raw, and lemon juice. Almost
half a century later, the Admiralty issued lime juice to sailors, but this was
nowhere near as effective as lemon juice. The error apparently arose because
the West Indians called a lemon a lime.
Incredibly, in June 1743, with only the 60-gun flagship Centurion , left, Anson intercepted andcaptured the abulous Spanish treasure ship Covadonga laden with 1,313,843 pieces of eight and 35,682oz of silver and plate – a grand total
of 34.5 tonnes of silver.
This was one of the most valuable treasures ever seized by an English ship and would have fetched around £23 million today. It required 32 wagons to transport it to the Tower of London on Anson’s 1744 return to fame and fortune.
Editor’s note: In the 1497 expedition of Vasco da Gama , the curative effects of citrus fruit were already known and were confirmed by Pedro Alvares Cabral and his crew in 1507. Cabral is generally credited with the European "discovery” of Brazil, which is why Portuguese is the language used there today.
A safety culture is critical to ensuring safe activity on the water. Managing risks
involves risk assessments – something we should all do before venturing out. A
continual monitoring process is the best way forward to manage safety, be aware
of developing situations, and control them before they become problems.
Here are some recommendations for all Members’ sailing boats and are pretty
much a Club requirement for yachts racing and cruising off the East Coast. Do
let me know if you think I may have missed anything!