Membership, Indemnity and Insurance Form (page2)
Please print this from, complete it and scan/email or post to the Membership Secretary, details below
NRSC has a Privacy Policy, holds members’ personal information on its database for the sole purpose of membership of the Club, and agrees not to share, sell or divulge any personal data to third parties or to retain any information on bank accounts.
The Club Handbook, known as the Red Book, is only sent to members. Are there any details from the above list that you do not wish to be included?
If yes, please specify here: _________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________
Indemnity and Insurance
By its nature, boating is an unpredictable sport and inherently involves an element of risk. Members should be aware of this and accept responsibility for exposing themselves, their crew and their boat to such risk whilst participating in Club events.
It is a condition of membership that ALL members (whether taking part in competitive events or not) MUST indemnify the Club against any loss or harm and carry appropriate insurance, where relevant. No entry to any event will be accepted unless this form is completed, signed and returned to the Club Membership Secretary. Acceptance of these conditions by a member is deemed to apply to their spouse/partner and immediate family.
In line with the NRSC Visitor Policy, any visitor who helms or crews during a Club regatta, race, cruise or other boating event is deemed to be a Temporary Member for each day they participate and to have indemnified the Club against any loss or injury. Their Full Member host must notify the Sailing and Membership Secretaries of the visitor’s name, the event to attend, and the date. Any non-boating visitor to the Anchorage must sign the Visitors’ Book and thereby be deemed a Temporary Member who has indemnified the Club against loss or injury.
Where the Club introduces potential skippers and crews, this does not in any way warrant the boat's seaworthiness or the skipper's or crew's competence.
Experience indicates that on cruises, especially at sea, the risk is reduced when boats have at least one other boat in reasonable proximity. NRSC-programmed cruises are always “in company”. Before each trip, participants are encouraged to meet to discuss the expected tides, weather and any other relevant factors before deciding whether to set off. It is up to each skipper and crew to decide what they want to do.
Race and cruise skippers must check that their boats are insured for racing and coastal sailing, where relevant, and be aware of any conditions attached, e.g. requiring a crew or notifying the insurer of trip dates. Members are responsible for providing navigation, personal safety and first aid equipment on board their vessels.
I hereby agree that Northern Rivers Sailing Club boats, helms and crew participate in Club events entirely at their own risk (Rule 3.4), that NRSC will not be held responsible for any loss or injury, and that NRSC accepts no responsibility for members' safety, boats, or visitors.
I hereby confirm that the boat below has third-party insurance covering racing and cruising purposes as appropriate (rule 3.4), with a minimum cover of £2,000,000.00.
Boat name: ______________________________ Sail Number: _______________
Please indicate if not applicable.
Membership payments
I hereby confirm that I will pay annual membership dues promptly when requested.
Regatta payments
I understand that to take part in any club races, I will pay entry fees, to be billed at the season's end.
Payment Method
I agree to pay as follows:
☐ BACS Northern Rivers Sailing Club Ltd; Sort Code 20-17-20, Account 03059006 marked SUBS and your name.
☐ By cheque to Northern Rivers Sailing Club. Include surname and “SUBS” as the payment reference. Post to: Treasurer, NRSC Ltd, The Hawthorns, Glebe Road, Gissing, Diss IP22 5UY.
The Club prefers to keep administration costs down by using BACS.
This form remains valid as long as membership continues, but a revised copy must immediately be supplied if any details change. The completed or revised form should be returned to: NRSC Membership Secretary, 33 Staitheway Road, Wroxham, Norwich NR12 8TH. Email:
Signed: ______________________________________ Date: ___________________
Print name: ______________________________________