NRSC Health and Safety Annex 3
First Aid, including Defibrillator
Purpose of this document:
This First Aid guidance sets out how NRSC will comply with the requirements of relevant Health and Safety legislation, recommendations and best practice during its formal programme of events. The key elements are:
The need for suitable and sufficient risk assessments across the Club’s activities to determine the level of first aid provision required;
The provision of appropriate First Aid equipment; and
Accident reporting.
This document is aimed at First Aid cover during Club events. Members using the clubhouse outside such events may make full use of the First Aid box, defibrillator and written guidance but should always take adequate precautions for their own wellbeing.
NRSC Members are encouraged to read this Policy and to acquaint themselves with the First Aid equipment, advice and information available at the Anchorage, including the defibrillator.
General statement of risk:
As with all sports, sailing and boating in general have an inherent element of risk and require adequate levels of knowledge and experience if they are to be conducted safely. However, accidents will happen from time to time and NRSC recognises its responsibility for ensuring, so far as is reasonably practicable, the provision of First Aid for the health, safety and welfare of its members, volunteers and all others who may suffer an accident during the Club’s programme and within its facilities.
There are numerous risks that may lead to the need for First Aid; the key is to understand those risks and take steps to mitigate them, to have adequate First Aid equipment to hand; and to have trained individuals available to administer First Aid at Club events.
Useful sources of guidance; references; relevant legislation:
First Aid courses are available from RYA Training Centres and from St John Ambulance, amongst others. All members are encouraged voluntarily to undertake such training.
Emergency calling procedures are prominently displayed in the Anchorage;
The What3Words location of the Anchorage (upriver quay heading) is downward superhero dame. Coordinates are 52.39.123 N 01.33.298 E.
Detailed information:
The following First Aid equipment and items are to be kept at the Anchorage and maintained by a designated volunteer:
First Aid Box
First Aid Advice poster on wall
First Aid basic booklet, e.g. RYA or similar
Accident Report Book
Defibrillator (from March to October, on the outer wall of the Anchorage)
Basic poster with general advice on action to be taken in the case of an injury or someone being unwell
A cardiopulmonary resuscitation (CPR) device
List of First Aiders
NRSC Members are encouraged to keep First Aid kits on their boats and to undertake First Aid training. A list of First Aid trained Members will be kept in the Anchorage.
Make: IPAD SP1 Model: CUSP1 Serial number: G1N2700469
In December 2015, NRSC received a defibrillator. A condition of its use was that it be installed on the outside of the Clubhouse, in view of and available to all boat users. Boat hire companies were informed of its existence, as was the NSBA, for inclusion in the Green Book. East of England Ambulance Service was also informed of its existence and access.
The defibrillator is locked inside a non-heated box – CODE 1987. As the box is not heated, the defibrillator is only available from March to October, when it is removed and stored indoors.
The Lithium Manganese Oxide battery has a guaranteed life of four years and is expected to last five years, but must be checked regularly, together with the unit itself.
NRSC was issued with ten training packs and these were distributed to members for self-training purposes. This procedure should be repeated from time to time. All paperwork relating to purchase, catalogue for items to buy etc are in a folder held by Jeff Harteveldt.
Further details for the defibrillator are appended at the end of this document.
Recommendations for safety/best practice:
NRSC will provide adequate and appropriate equipment to ensure that if anyone is injured or taken ill during the course of our activities they will be able to receive immediate attention.
What to do in an emergency or when Club action is needed:
A First Aid kit is situated prominently inside the Anchorage together with a list of qualified First Aiders. Club members should be aware that emergency, coastguard and ambulance calling procedures are displayed prominently in the Anchorage.
Who to contact in relation to this Annexe:
The Committee will appoint a member(s) to oversee the regular maintenance and annual inventory of all First Aid Equipment, posters and information. Specifically, the responsible individual will:
Maintain the First Aid box
Check and maintain the defibrillator or delegate this to a responsible individual.
Ensure that wall posters and other notices are in good condition and up to date.
Check and maintain the Accident Book.
Date agreed by Committee:
17 February 2021
This is a Fully-Automatic Defibrillator
In operation, the defibrillator guides the user with voice prompts and illustrations which illuminate to highlight key commands. Instructions are given at every step and importantly, the voice prompts automatically adjust to background noise.
Should the need arise for a defibrillator to be used on a child, it is equipped with pre-connected dual electrode pads that can be used on both adults and children. By simply lifting a clear, safety cover on the front, the device can be switched immediately to paediatric mode.
Integrated pad storage – electrode pads are stored, pre-connected, in a clear compartment on the underside of the unit
Pads are easily removed by pulling on the exposed tab
The pads are always ready for use and easily checked
CPR Detection – the Defibrillator detects if CPR is being performed when appropriate
If CPR is not being performed, voice prompts encourage the responder to ‘perform CPR’
If CPR is being performed, voice prompts encourage the responder to ‘continue CPR’
Voice prompts can adjust up to 90 decibels, so it can always be heard easily in noisy environments.
Visual Indicator on the Unit shows:
Battery life, AED status and electrode pad status
Internal memory stores the last five events or three hours of data.
‘ i’ button performs the following functions:
Allows user to select if CPR metronome is heard during CPR
Checks for faults and errors
Provides ‘handover’ information to Ambulance crew (usage time and shocks delivered)
Allows the UNIT to be programmed with CPR protocols such as compression rate, number of compressions, breaths and cycles etc, ensuring that the SP1 is always up to date. (This is done as part of the Unit update through
Software at the beginning of the season).
Downloads data for review
Checks the unit’s software version (This needs to be done at the beginning of each season).