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Forum Posts

Brian Gray
NRSC Member
Mar 25, 2024
In General Discussion
the s,i,c, starts next month (april) it is a very casual meeting up of friends on the water , we stay together as a group unlike racing . usually make for the anchorage for lunch, if you wish to recieve the whats app "shout outs " then please contact myself i can then join you on the whats app group. ps there is an idea to do a bit of casual race training which would be to set up a start line and practice the approach , this will only happen if there is enough interest. best wishes for a happy and safe season bg.
Brian Gray
NRSC Member
Feb 16, 2023
In General Discussion
This is tallulahs spray hood grab rail ,i find it excellent to grab securely boarding the boat.
Grab rail content media
Brian Gray
NRSC Member
Oct 30, 2022
In General Discussion
we had a most enjoyable season despite breaking tallulah and cho cho sans masts, the sic is all very casual , no racing involved (allegedly) 😜. but it does give crews an opportunity to pace their boat against others , we had a few days with 6 0r so boats which was good fun , we did that thing where you stay at the front for a short while then turn about and go to the back , you then have the challenge of working your way up the fleet. it also lengthens the trip , we usually end up at the anchorage for lunch where the world is put to rights. we do intend to sail tallulah through the winter , of course it is weather dependent and meeting up times are approximate . last year we managed to find some lovely days. should anyone wish to join us please make contact. also if you have a motor cruiser there is no reason why you should not join in . best wishes to all , here are a few images of this years sic,

Brian Gray

NRSC Member
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